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[Name] and Calem ran down the halls of the building Team Flare had taken over. It looked like a lab where scientist studied the life of Pokemon and their evolutions. But now, it was part of Team Flare. Most of the scientist working here were either forced to join or left somewhere nobody would find them. Because that is how Team Flare acted.

One thing Calem thought of as weird was how [Name] was able to change her hair color and eyes? She's only been able to do that whenever Lucario was around. This came off as a surprise to him. How was she able to do that? And where did she get such a strength? Was her bond with Lucario that strong that she was able to change form without him here? He'll have to make a mental note of that.

He glances over at her and almost gasps. Her Key Stone was giving off a light, it was shining and levitating. Was Lucario giving her some of his strength even from inside his Pokeball? Their backpacks weren't even with them.

The two soon came across a group of grunts blocking their only way of getting through. The grunts gave them a smirk and send out their Pokemon consisting of Houndour and Skorupi. Not a moment after, all of their Pokemon launched a Dark Pulse at two. The two jumped out the way, letting the Dark Pulse zip past them. Without their Pokeballs, they were defenseless and had no source to battle with. The grunts stood in front of them, almost as if they were taunting them.

"What do we do now?" Calem whispered, leaning close to [Name].

[Name] look at the grunt and turned her head back. There was nowhere to go here, but back when they were running, she saw two different halls they could take. Perhaps in one of those, their backpacks were there.

"We need to get out backpacks first, it's the only way we can defeat them," she whispered and took a small step back. "Once we find them, we go search for Shiny and Mild."

"I'll go find our bags, you search for Shiny and Mild. We'll separate in order to distract the grunts," Calem suggested.

"Alright then, it could be risky, but let's go," [Name] agreed and turn around, running down the hall.

The grunts chased after the two, shouting at them and their Pokemon attacking. The two saw the different leading halls and glanced at each other. With a nod, a way to say take care, the two separated and took off in their own direction. The grunts come to a stop, looking at each side. Half goes to the direction Calem went and the other remaining one's head towards [Name].

Calem runs down the hallway and looks back to see if the grunts were still chasing after him, and thankfully they weren't, not now actually. His run comes to a fast walk as he checks through every door he sees. Most of them were just empty lab rooms, some containing some sort of green cells. It horrified him to no end as most of the cells seemed to be moving around the tubes. He would've looked around more to see what this was, but he didn't have enough time. He finally comes to a door at the end of the hall and opens it. He sighs in relief upon spotting his and [Name]'s bags on a table. Shutting the door behind him so the grunts wouldn't know he was here, he walks over to them and checks to make sure nothing was missing. Thankfully nothing was.

A sudden noise from behind him startles him and he looks behind him in fear. A small, shadowy figure run by, knowing some glass tubes to the floor. His back hits the metal table, keeping his guard up as his heart beats quickly. Another noise was soon heard directly behind him and he turns around in a flash, a frightened breath leaving his lips. He picks up a microscope next to him and gets ready to use it as a weapon.


Calem almost screams as he lifts the microscope above his head and turns around, ready to hit whatever was behind him. But to his relief, it was only Mild staring at him with confusion and fear. Mild's eyes are filled with tears, ready to fall down upon seeing his Trainer.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now