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"She's pairing up with me!"

"No, she's pairing up with me!"

"I asked her first!"

"So what? I'm her favorite!"

"Since when?!"

"Since you became, Mr. 'I-Have-Low-Self-Esteem-Issues-So-I'll-Lower-Someone-Else's-Instead'!"

"That didn't even make sense!"

"You don't make sense."

Ash and Calem glared hatefully at each other, sparks flying between them. [Name], who was caught up in the middle of it, groaned in pain as she felt her arms being literally ripped apart. It was like a game of tug-a-war with [Name] being the rope and Ash and Calem being the players. Ash and Calem kept pulling at her arms to see which one of the two [Name] will end up with. So far, neither.

"Please...let go. I'm in...so much...pain," [Name] pleaded, feeling her arms go numb.

"You wouldn't be in so much pain if Calem would just let go of your arm," Ash replied as he continued to pull at her right arm.

"Why don't you let go of her arm?" Calem challenged, not loosening his hold.

"Because if I do, she'll end up with you!" Ash answered, growling in the process.

"I don't see the problem with that," Calem sassed.

Serena raised her hands up and said, "Ash, Calem, why don't you—"

"Stay out of this, Serena!" Ash and Calem simultaneously yelled, surprising Serena.

Meanwhile, Bonnie observed the commotion from afar while her brother, Clemont, read of over the first clue on a paper given to them. Honestly, she found it quite entertaining. Bonnie knew something like this would happen but not with [Name] being tortured. She pulled Clemont's jumpsuit, not taking her eyes off the hilarious scene.

"Uh, Clemont, don't you think we should help?" Bonnie questioned.

Clemont froze in his spot and glanced up from the piece of paper. He jumps as his face pales upon realizing how bad the situation got. Ash and Calem were about to leave [Name] armless.

Clemont shakily pushes his glasses up and says, "Help who? I-I don't know who those people are. Hey, look. An Oran Berry is the first clue. I think I saw one on the way here. Let's go!"

"Clemont!" Bonnie cried out as Clemont grabbed her arm and pulled her far away from their friends.

As [Name] was beginning to see the light, Ash and Calem were pulled off of her by a pair of workers. There was a young man with purple/blue-ish hair and was wearing a pair of sunglasses. And the other was a shorter man who had on a mustache and hair with small glasses on his face.

"Alright, break it up! There's no reason to fight," A young woman with pink hair tied back said, clapping her hands. "You have caused such a commotion that some of the guests either filed a complaint about you or have been bothered. If you continue to act this way, we'll have no choice but to remove you from the premises. Understood?"

"Sorry..." Ash and Calem mumbled, lowering their gaze.

"If you hate the idea of her going with either of you then why don't you team up?" The woman asked.

"Me with him? No way!" Ash and Calem simultaneously complained.

The woman's eye twitched as she said, "You don't have much of a choice. The girl you were fighting for had left with a girl with a pink fedora. You two are the only ones left so you have no choice but to pair up."

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now