Short Chapter

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A/N: Just a simple and short chapter after not updating for two weeks. I'm not as familiar with these types of stories but I hope you enjoy it.

Please enjoy this chapter!


You stared in terror at the disturbing scene you had stumbled upon. Calem was hunched over the toilet, tears flowing down his cheeks as a retching noise escaped his lips. You grip your (shirt/dress/sweater/hoodie/jacket/etc) as a throb of pain went through your heart. You reach out a hand but Calem slapped it away.

"Please...don't look at me," he pleaded as he tearfully stared up at you. He covered his mouth and turned back around. You looked down at the ground and narrow your eyes. Silently, you excited the bathroom.

When you closed the door, you noticed a red petal on the top of your shoe. You gently brushed it off. As you continued hearing Calem's sobs, you lean against the door and close your eyes.

Minutes passed before you heard the toilet flush. You sat up from the couch just as Calem exit the bathroom with an ashamed expression. He looked up at you and you felt your heart shatter. His eyes held no emotion. They were glowing. They weren't lively. Calem looked broken. You almost couldn't recognize him.

Calem collapsed into his bed and buried his face within. You wanted to pester him with questions, you really did. But you needed to give him space. You did just stumble into his most vulnerable moment. You buried yourself back into your Pokedex.

"Aren't you gonna ask me?" Calem asked after a moment of silence. He lifted his head up and looked in your direction.

You lifted your gaze and connected it with Calem. Lowering your eyes, you gently placed your Pokedex next to you. "I...I didn't think it was the right time for that."

Calem let out a wry laugh. "Thanks for worrying about me. But I'm fine now. You can ask anything you want."

"Then..." You licked your lips as you held your hands. Looking up at him to meet his gaze, you ask, " long have you had it?"

"For about three months," he replied. You felt your heart drop at his response. Before you could say anything, he beat you to it. "Look, don't beat yourself over it. I just hid it so you wouldn't have to worry about me. I don't want any pity either."

"But how didn't I notice? Have I been that blind?" You were already beating yourself over it. Calem hid it for three months and you never noticed. You felt like a terrible friend.

"No, I was just good at hiding it...until today," he laughed.

"How can you laugh right now? This is a serious matter, Calem!" You cried, standing up from the couch.

"I's better to not worry about these circumstances. You should just live in the moment, live with no regrets" Calem considered.

" could die, Calem," You lamented.

Calem bitterly smiled. "I know."

You sat back down and looked at your Pokedex.

Hanamaki Diseases: a disease in which a victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer one-sided love.

It ends when:

1. A) The beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; it cannot be platonic). It is one of the least common occurrences.

2. B) The victim gets it surgically removed. It removes all romantic feelings and memories of the beloved. However, it has negative side effects were the victim can never love another or have any emotions.

3. C) The victim chooses to die. The flowers in the victim completely fill their lungs and sadly choke them to death. In most cases, it is a common occurrence.

There was one question you dread to ask and you knew Calem felt the same. However, you needed to know who was the person who caused Calem's suffering. Calem's face paled upon hearing the three words.

"Who is it?"

You felt tears brimming in your eyes as you witnessed Calem break down.


Serena was Ash's girlfriend. Honestly, it was no surprise to you. After all, the girl confided in you that she had a crush on your childhood friend. In the beginning, you were astonished. It never occurred to you that someone found a liking to Ash. But it quickly disappeared when you realized that someone loved Ash. Your friend who was always hurt by others would finally find someone who truly loved them. Your support for Serena only grew when you learned that Ash was fond of the girl as well. So as any good friend, you urged him to confess. It was no surprise Serena accepted. The two were very much happy with each other that it bought a smile to your face.

You just never realized there was someone else who loved Serena.

It was then you realized that it was three months ago when Ash and Serena began to go out.

Three months ago when Calem developed Hanamaki Disease.

Three months were he suffered while watching the person he loved be with someone else.

You sat next to Calem and wrapped your arms around him. He buried his face on your shoulder and wept.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."


Your knees bounced as you buried your face in your hands. Your entire body couldn't stop shaking as it was full of worry. Even with how quiet the hallway was, it felt like it was suffocating you. You always hated the hospital. The door next to your seat open and you instantly raised your head. A doctor stepped out and nodded his head, though he held a sad smile. He was saying something to you but you couldn't hear. You just wanted to enter the room and check on his condition.

Once he disappeared around the corner, you quietly entered the room. The room was dark with the exception of the light from the moon. Your eyes landed on the figure sitting up on the hospital bed. You walked forward and stop next to it. He didn't say anything to you, so you took this as a moment to study him.

Calem looked healthier than before. His skin was naturally pale but it looked incredibly sickly before. He no longer looked heartbroken.

"How do you feel?" You timidly question.

Calem finally looked at you and you audibly gasped. His eyes held no emotion. The single light he had left was gone.

"Fine," he somberly replied. He lifted a hand to his chest and gripped the hospital gown. " feels as if I'm missing something, something important. I wonder what it is."

After stumbling into Calem vomiting flowers for the fifth time in a single week, you placed your foot down. Countless times you begged him to at least get it surgically removed but he always refused, saying he had to carry the disease. He would always push you away and you would often hear him cry to sleep. He never knew you would do the same.

Calem finally agreed to get surgery when his condition began to worsen. You hated him seeing him like that. You knew surgery was a good method since Calem wouldn't suffer anymore. And yet...

You drop to your knees and bury your face into the sheets of the bed. You didn't want him to see you cry. Calem looked down at you and placed a hand on your head.

"Why are you crying?" Calem coaxed.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." You sobbed.

Sometimes it hurts to let someone go.


A retching noise accompanied by coughing could be overheard from inside an almost vacant restroom. A single stall was occupied as someone leaned against the toilet. A tear ran down their face and plotted on the floor. A heart-wrenching wailed soon followed.

You leaned against the door, shuddering at the mess you had made. Shakily, you flush the toilet in order to rid any of the evidence. You silently washed your hands and stared up at your reflection. Your eyes were red and puffy, an obvious sign of crying. You splashed your face with water, hoping to rid of it. As you took one last look in the mirror, you froze.

There on your shoulder laid a single red petal.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now