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Mairin lets out a yawn, tears developing on the side of her eyes. She sleepily rubs her eye and drops her head down. Chespie uses his Vine Whip as Mairin almost falls down. He sighs in relief and desperation. Alain shakes his head and walks over to Mairin, picking her up and carrying her bridal-style. But he couldn't blame her, they've been walking for hours and it was awfully late. [Name] glances at Mairin before looking back.

"This should be a good place to set up camp, don't you think?" [Name] suggests, stopping in the middle of a clearing in the forest. It was wide enough for them to set up their tents.

Quickly and quietly, [Name], Calem and Alain begin to set up everything as Mairin lays on Alain's jacket. She is then carried over to the tent [Name] and she has shared for the past four days of traveling together. She snuggles into her sleeping bag, smiling. Chespie lays down next to her and cuddles beside her. [Name] quietly chuckles and exits the tent, zipping it back up.

Calem and Alain have already build a small campfire as they sit around it. The fifteen-year-old Pokemon Trainer sits down next to Calem and watches the fire dance with life. The three sit in a comfortable silence, hearing the night tunes and watching the campfire. The group has been traveling for a while now. Ever since they left the Pokemon Center early in the morning, they walked nonstop for hours, only taking a break for food or bathroom.

Nothing interesting had happened today. [Name] and Mairin spend most of their time chatting and laughing. Calem and Alain just watched from afar, giving them room. But they made no effort in communications. Calem only walked with him because he was suspicious. Ever since he met this guy, he gave him some weird vibes. There was something about this guy he didn't trust. His interest in [Name] was so...creepy. He feared if he left him alone with [Name], he'll do something. It didn't help he would leave in secret a few times, coming back with determined eyes. And would talk with [Name] a few times, talking about freedom and a perfect world.

But there wasn't anything he could really do. He even tried telling [Name] that there was something odd about him. How he always left the group and came back or how he just stared at the Key Stone around her neck. Unfortunately, [Name] just brushed him off.

"He's a little weird, yeah, but he isn't such a bad guy. He's kind of like you when you think about it," [Name] had once said after he told her what happened. "Maybe he leaves to pick up a call from his parents or something important he doesn't want us to know. I'm not going to just go up to him and ask him why he always leaves. I'm not invading his privacy. Aren't you just overthinking?"

Calem had thought he was overthinking things. What if he was just wrong about the whole thing? And in reality, Alain was really somewhat like him? Just a quiet and kind of socially awkward dude. For now, he'll have to keep an eye on him. After all, they were going to be traveling together.

"How long do you think it will take us to get to Snowbelle City?" [Name] asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, I'm not really sure. It hasn't been that long since we left Anistar City," Calem replies as he picks up a piece of grass and twirls it between his fingers. "Besides, we still have yet to arrive at Couriway Town."

"It's just, I've been itching to win my eight Gym Badge. I want to get to the Pokemon League as fast as I can," she smiles up at the sky, grabbing her Key Stone. "This time, it's my dream to win the Pokemon League, so when I go back home, I'll show everyone how strong I've gotten. Especially my parents, so they can be proud of me."

Calem chuckles and leans against his right hand. "I'm sure they're already proud of you if you made it this far."

"I suppose that's true," [Name] said. She turned to face Alain and asked, "How about you, Alain? Do you have a dream? I've never asked you before."

"A dream?" Alain repeated, surprised that [Name] had asked him that.

"Mm-hm. I'm sure you must have one," she nodded her head. "Mairin mentioned you are traveling to defeat every Trainer that can Mega Evolve their Pokemon. Is that like your dream?"

"No, not really," he gripped his hands into fists. "It's more of a...goal, I suppose. There isn't really a reason for that."

"Then...how about the Kalos League?" [Name suggested. "Aren't you going to join it?"

"The Kalos League?" Alain asked, tilting his head. "No, I don't think I am."

[Name] straightens up, sitting up tall. "Why not? I mean you're strong, it wouldn't be a surprise if you joined. And with your entire Pokemon Team with you, you could probably even win the Kalos League. And if you're still up to defeating every Mega Evolve Pokemon, then it will be perfect. All the strongest Pokemon and Trainers are going to be there, especially the Mega Evolved ones. It will be amazing if you could join, too! Don't you think, Calem?"

"I guess," Calem mumbles, shrugging his shoulders.

Alain has a small smile appear in his face as he looks down. "You sure make it sound fun. But I have yet to know." Suddenly, his pocket began to vibrate and he glances down to see his device ringing. He stands up quickly, and says, "I'll be right back."

He quickly leaves the camp, taking out his device and silently scolding Lysandre for calling at such a time. Calem narrows his eyes. There he goes again, leaving like always. What was up with that? [Name] lets out a yawn, almost looking like she wants to fall asleep there.

"Get some rest. We have an early day tomorrow," Calem suggests, gently guiding her to her tent.

"Alright then, goodnight," she mumbles and heads inside.

"Night," Calem replies with a smile before quickly wiping it off. Now, where did Alain head off to?

He follows in the direction he thinks Alain headed off. As he walks through the dark forest, he spots a small light up ahead. Hiding behind the trees, he spots Alain standing in the middle looking at his device. Getting closer, he peeks behind the tree. He notices a man with red/orange hair talking to Alain. He had an almost completely red outfit. Everything about that man screamed suspiciously.

He couldn't get closer to hear their conversation, only gaining a few parts of it. It wasn't anything interesting from what it seemed. All the man was asking him was about the mission and the energy from something. He even contemplated walking up to him and asking what he was doing. But before he could walk up to him, he froze in his place.

"So [Name] doesn't suspect anything, does she?" Lysandre asked Alain.

"No, so far she just assumes I'm a Trainer out to defeat every Mega Evolve Pokemon," Alain replied. "Everything has been according to plan, but..."

"But what?" Lysandre pressed.

"Her companion, he appears to be suspicious of me as of recently," he looks back on how many times Calem had either looked at him with suspicious eyes and judgemental eyes.

Lysandre's eyes harden as he says, "No matter what, you cannot let him know. For whatever reason he finds out, you must do something, no matter how dangerous. We cannot have this mission fail, understood. [Name] will join my organization, no matter what, even if it means by force."

"Understood..." Alain hesitantly says. "Signing out."

Alain grips the device in his hand, glaring at it with hatred. He...no longer wanted to go on with this mission. After spending time with [Name], she proved to be a much more important person. He didn't want her to join Lysandre's organization, but he had to do it...for the people he cared about. He makes his way back to camp, unknown to him Calem had overheard his entire conversation.

Calem leaned against the tree for support, covering his mouth with his hand. His heart was beating loudly as his eyes were wide with shock. He turns his head in the direction of the camp. What had he overheard?

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now