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"Pika, Pi!"



It was quite early in the morning as the sun was just beginning to peak on the horizon. The icicles hanging on the branches of trees were melting, dripping water onto the snow. The snowstorm had disappeared completely throughout the night. There were a couple of trees on the ground, ripped from their roots. And the snow had risen a few inches from before. Overall, if it were not for those, it would have looked like any other day.

[Name], Ash, and Greninja stopped in their tracks as their group of friends came rushing towards them. They all had relief expression on their face with huge smiles. Pikachu jumped into his Trainer's arms, burying his face in his chest.

"Geez! We were looking for you two!" Bonnie placed her hands on her hips and closed her eyes as if she were angry.

"What is most important is that you guys are safe," Clemont reminded Bonnie, giving her a small nudge.

Ash gave them an apologetic smile and said, "Everyone, we're sorry."

Serena brought her hands close to her chest as she looked at Ash with guilty eyes. "Ash..."

"I'm sorry, Serena," Ash apologized before Serena had a chance to say anything else. "Serena, your words were my wake up call."

"Welcome back, Ash!" Serena smiled with happiness, her eyes sparkling. But that happiness soon disappeared upon remembering [Name]'s words from yesterday. "Actually, what I truly need to do is apologize to you. I should have never overrated that in that way. It wasn't right for me to yell at you when all you wanted was some alone time. Especially, throw snowballs at you. I'm sorry."

Ash's eyes widen with surprise but he then smiles and nods his head, a way to tell Serena she was forgiven. Serena's heart skips a beat as a light shade of pink decorate her cheeks. And a pleased smile forms on her lips upon seeing [Name] give her an appreciated look.

[Name]'s expression soon transforms into a worried one as she glances at Calem. He hadn't said anything throughout the entire time. His hat had covered his eyes so she couldn't tell what his expression was. Calem took one step forward and looked up, his face angered with a mixture of worry. He walked over to her and without warning, lightly hits her on the head.

"How could you be so reckless and risk your life venturing into the forest? The weather was already looking dangerous and yet you..." Calem grabbed ahold of her shoulders and leaned in towards her. "Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? You could have gotten seriously hurt or worse; not be here with us! [Name], I just want to—"

Ash ripped Calem's hands off of [Name] and stood in front of her in a protective manner. He glared up at Calem, not imitate by the difference in height and Calem's deathly glare. He stood his ground.

"Don't talk to her like that. Don't even think about hitting her!" Ash disputed, his voice loud and strong. "If anyone is at fault here, it's me. I'm the reason she ventured into the snowstorm. So if you're going to hit anyone, hit me."

Calem narrowed his eyes at him, staring him down. Ash didn't need to tell him twice before his hand smacked him across the head. He didn't even hesitate to put more force into it. Serena and Clemont gasped with surprise, their eyes wide and not knowing what to do. Bonnie's eyes immediately lit up, staring at the scene intently as there was going to be a fight between the two. And if they did, she had her money on Calem.

"Calem!" [Name] shouted his name, checking over Ash in a panic.

Calem's eye twitched with annoyance as all the anger and worry he had inside escaped all at once. "You two are one of the most reckless people I have ever met! Both you and Ash are the types of people to risk your lives for others. It's like you guys block everything that's considered dangerous. That will one day come back to hurt you. Did neither of you have the idea to give us a call? [Name], you have your device with you! And Ash, you have your Pokedex! You can call people on that for your information!"

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now