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"Absol, Psycho Cut!" Astrid commanded as Mega Asbol's horn glows purple and sends it straight at [Name]'s Gengar.

Gengar quickly disappears out of the way, the Pyscho Cut crashing where it once stood.

"Gengar, use Thunderbolt!" [Name] quickly shouts as Gengar appears in the air and closes her eyes as she sends the Thunderbolt.

Absol's eyes widen as the Thunderbolt lands a hit on. Absol's entire body shakes as it does its best to stand upright. Unfortunately, Absol loses its strength and collapses to the ground, fainting.

"Absol!" Astrid worriedly calls out as that was her last Pokemon and her closest friend.

"Absol is unable to battle. Therefore, the winner is [Name]!" The referee announces while [Name] and Gengar cheer with happiness.

"[Name] is the third competitor to advance to the semifinals, following Alain and Ash!" The large screen has a picture of [Name], Ash and Alain side by side with one more slot to be filled. "There is only one bracket left!"

Alain was the first to advance to the semifinals by battling Remo and Ash was the second by battling his old rival, Sawyer. It was a heated battle, to say the least. Sawyer had Mega Evolved his Sceptile and even though he did his best, Ash-Greninja came in to win the match. Now, who will be the last one?

[Name] walked through the halls, pleased with herself for making to the semifinals. She never dreamed of such a thing to happen to her. Last night, she had a dream she won the league and become Kalos Champion. It was a wonderful dream and she never wanted it to end. [Name] hummed happily, nodding her head from side to side. She was soon snapped out of her day-dreaming and came across Calem.

"[Name], congratulations!" Calem congratulated as he picked her up and spun her around in celebration. [Name] let out a small giggle as her feet touch the floor. "Your Pokemon were amazing. It looked as if you were moving in sync with each other."

[Name] gave him a wink and said, "Of course! It's that strong bond, after all. You're up next, right? I can't wait to watch it."

"Neither can I. And by that, I mean battling," Calem corrected himself with a cough. He places a hand under his chin and says, "I will be going against Tierno. Based on his battling strategy, he's mostly someone who uses rhythm. Nevertheless, I will be the one to win, of course."

"Remember, Tierno is strong too," [Name] reminded with a smile.

"I know. I have to somehow break his rhythm-based battling style," Calem looks back on all of Tierno's battles and the way he and his Pokemon moved. That's something he has to look after. "Flareon may be an option to use since he does dance and has rhythm."

"Serena did mention that she battled with Sylveon, back when it was an Eevee, against a double battle with Ash and Tierno," [Name] said. "Eevee was able to break Blastoise rhythm and even landed a hit. So Flareon could be a choice to use when going against Tierno."

"I'll remember that," Calem nodded his head and looked around the hall for any sign of someone else. He turned back to face [Name]. "Well, I better get going. But before I do, could you give me a kiss for good luck?"

[Name] blushed but she didn't deny his request. Calem smiled and bend down slightly as [Name] closed her eyes. As their lips almost made contact with each other, Pikachu suddenly appeared between the two and let out a squeal of happiness as [Name] and Calem's lips made contact with his red cheeks.

[Name] and Calem pull back immediately with surprise. Ash stood with an annoyed and jealous expression as he held Pikachu in his hands. Pikachu was the only one in the hall that looked happy with the results.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now