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2 Months Later

Larrys Pov

I shook Lau awake and he opened his eyes.I brushed my hand over his cheeks and pecked his lips."Goodmorning princess"I told her and pecked her lips again.We got out of bed and got in the shower and got dressed.It was already 6:45 and we had to be in Santa Cruz by 2:30 for our family reunion.I went into Mars room and woke her up.She got dressed and we went downstairs to see Lau feeding the twins.

I went in the kitchen and started to cook while Lau finished feeding and getting the twins dressed.I got Amarie and sat her at the island.I put her food on the plate and let her eat while I messaged Nolen,Justice,Ny'Jah,and Destiny to make sure they were ready to get picked up since the were riding with us.

Lau put the twins in each arm and brought them in the kitchen so he could eat.I sat my plate in the sink and took the babies from him.I took them in the living room and laid them on the couch.I sat down and put them in my lap.I start tickling them and Amina started smiling and drooling while Amani stared at me unaffected.Well i guess someone's not ticklish.

Amani reached up and pulled my twist and Amina stuck her tounge out at me.Uhn uhn lets go these kids is bad.I put them in their carseats and strapped them in.I got their diaper bags and put some diapers,wipes,baby powder,soap,lotion,clothes,formula,and bottles in it.I knew we'd be up there for a week or so,so I made sure I packed heavy just incase of an accident.

I went and got me,Lau,and,Amaries stuff so we could head out.I went back downstairs and put my shoes on.I put the bags in Lau's BMW and went back in the house to see Lau putting on the girls shoes.I took them out to the car and strapped them.

I unlocked my Lamborghini and started it.I ran in the house and got my bag with my phone and laptop in it.Lau and I walked out of the house and I locked the door.We decided to take seperate cars because we knew that all of us weren't gonna fit in one car.In her car it was gonna be the twins,Amarie,Justice,Destiny,Niya Destiny's 1 yr old daughter,and Lau and in my car it was gonna be Nyjah,Nolen,Nolens 4 yr old son Pharoah.I kissed Lau and the kissed and jumped in my car to go pick them up and head to the store.

After we picked everyone up it was 7:35 and we had to get on the highway by 7:45.We went in and i got some Takis,Skittles,Starbust,Doritos,Slim Jims,Chocolate,Carmel Bugels,Icecream,and 3 Brisks.i got everybody elses stuff and gave it to them.Lau did the same and i followed him to the highway.This gone be a long ass ride.

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