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Larry Pov

We finally arrived at the reunion and when I say everyone was there,I mean everyone cousins,aunts,uncles.

We got out the car and were ambushed by everyone wanting to see the babies.I carried the twins carseats to a table as the rest of the crew got out the car.

Everyone was having fun.All the kids jumped Nyjah cause he wouldn't stop messing with them.The adults were making conversation and dancing.

All of sat at a table and ate as we talked and joked.I went to get something to drink and came back to see my mom talking to a little girl and pointing her in our direction.

Laurents Pov

A little girl walked up to me with a confused expression on her face."You're Laurent??"she asked pointing to me."Yes I am.Why??"

"Well my mother dropped me off here and said that my father was here and when I asked that nice lady she said it was you.But youre a girl so thats not possible."

At that moment my jaw dropped."Whats your name??"

"Ayden Nicole Bourgeois"

I looked at her and saw the similarities between us.I knew exactly who she was but she wasn't who I thought she'd be.I thought she was a boy.I asked for her mother's name and she handed me a package.

I excused myself and walked to my car.I opened the big envelope and took the papers out.

The first was a letter.

Dear Laurent,

I know you are probably upset but I didn't have any other choice.I know you expected a son and I did to but the doctors made a mistake.But anyways,the reason why I dropped her off to you is because im in some deep shit.Plus I have cancer and I won't be around for much longer.Hopefully by the power of God things come thru for me but I don't think they will.Take care of her and tell her I love her so much.Explain to her whats happening.Shes a smart girl and she'll understand.In this package is all of information.There is also a key and a check.The key is so that you can go get her things from the house.Its very close to your house so it won't be hard to get there.The check is all of my savings for her college and other things.She has a phone that I gave her so I could keep in touch.Please take care of her shes all I have left and when im gone you are gonna all she has left.


I felt a tear slide down my cheek and fall onto the paper.It hurts my heart to see her going through this pain.I mean she was my first love and the mother of one of my children.

I got out my car and walked back to the table.I stood infront of her and pulled her into a hug.I kissed her cheek and whispered "Welcome to the family."

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