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Larry's Pov

What the hell did I do?!?!??!?I can't believe I hit him.I looked down in his eyes and all I could see is pain and disbelief."Lau I'm sorr-"(gco)"Don't fucking speak to me right now.When we get back to America don't say shit to me" he said with anger and hate in his voice."Lau I love you I'm sorry.."I went to hug him but instead I caught a kick in the below the belt area.I fell to the ground grasping myself while he looked down at me."Get your ass together.We have to leave." He spoke coldly.I have to get him back.

On the airplane

Laurent's Pov

I couldn't sit by him.Not after he put his hands on me.I sat in the back and he sat towards the front.I put on my head phones and played my Mindless Behavior playlist.I absolutly love Prodigy.That chocolate peice of heaven.The things I would do with that.Anywhore I heard my message alert so I checked it.Ughh the devil himself...Larry.

Text Convo.

(Larry is is #$KingShit$# and Lau is ~**SuckMyDick**~)

#$KingShit$#-Babe I'm sorry.....

~**SuckMyDick**~-Sorry didn't put his hands on me you did.

#$KingShit$#-I apoligized I was just mad but you know I hate when people touch my stuff.

~**SuckMyDick**~-Last time I checked I WAS your boyfriend and brother.

#$KingShit$#-Why'd you put was like that????

~ **SuckMyDick**~-Cuz I was your boyfriend now im not its over.

#$KingShit$#-Lau I'm sorry.I can't live without you being mine.I was mad and I reacted out of anger I'm sorry please.Atleast come sit with me.

~**SuckMyDick**~-Ok I'll be right there.

I got my bag of electronics and snacks and went to sit with him.

He looked deep in my eyes and all I saw was lust but over that was love.For a slight moment we both started to lean in.We were so close to kissing but I snapped out of it and we both blushed.Welllll this is gonna be a long flight.....

So I'm thinking of doing a favorite person book so yeah look out for it.And I might delete this book.Let me know how you feel.



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