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36 Loooongggg Hours Later

Laurents Pov

Ahhh!It feels so good to fell the warm California air.I love it here but I just wish we could go back to France.Were at the airport right now waiting on our car to get here."Damn its hot"I said fanning myself with a book.I looked to my right to see if my brother got all the bags out of the plane(The fuck I look like carrying bags....)to find a completely shirtless Larry.My mouth instantly dropped to the floor.Has he been working out??Like zammmnnnn!!He better be lucky we in public cause only god knows what i would do to him."See something you want?'He asked teasingly."Yup"I said smirking."Come and get it then!"He said seductively.I slowly walked to him and licked his ear than blew on it.While he was stuck on high,I grabbed the 5 dollar bill out of his pocket and ran to the icecream cart.Ha!Nigga thought he was gettin some.Swerve!After I got my icecream I turnt back to see my shocked and slightly sad brother."That was wrong as hell"he said in a bummed tone."Oops...Looks like we have a problem!!"I said as I smirked looking at his obvious hard on.He looked down at his friend and blushed in embarrasment."You know you're gonna fix this right?"he said in a suductive voice.I looked behind me to see if there was another person.Once I realized he was talking to me I turned back and pointed at myself.He shook his head yes and took a step towards me.So I took one back.I backed up into a wall and just as we got facee to face,our car pulled up.I silently thanked Jesus and threw away my icecream cup.I ran to the driver and took to keys after thanking him.I plopped in the drivers seat just before Larry plopped in the passenger seat.

After 5 minutes we finally pulled up at our beach house.Its more like a condo.Only the 2 of us live there but sometimes our family or Larrys daughter and babymama come and stay.As soon as we got to the house I jumped out of the car and ran to the door desperately trying to open the door.I knew he was gonna try to get back at me.I hurried to open the door and close it.I sighed thinking he was still outside but once I turned around I was left staring into the angry brown eyes of my lover.I yawned fakely and with a sleepy voice I said"Look at the time.Woo I think I should take a nap."He raised an eyebrow at me and I took off running with an angry Larry hot on my tracks.I kicked off my shoe so that I would run faster and it would make an obstacle for him.I was just about to run in my room when I felt two strong arms yank me back and pick me up.I began kicking and screaming fopr him to let me go but instead he took me to his room .He dropped me on his bed and climbed on top of me.He began to straddle me and then pulled his shirt off revealing his tattoo covered body."You know you' ve been bad right?"he asked pinning me down.I nodded yes."Well I guess im gonna have to show you the punishment you get everytime youre bad."He ripped all of my clothes off and stared down at my body."Im about to tear that ass up!"He said in a scary voice.I gulped down hard.That scared the shit outta me.In one swift movement he pulled something out of the little cabinets next to his bed and next thing I know my hands are handcuffed to the headboard.He got off of me and set up this little table.He then went to the cabinent and got out all types of things.Dildos,Whips,Chains,Lube,Condoms,and Cock Rings.The next thing he said really scared me.


So how did I do?Bad.Shit I know.......Anyways recently I went to a Les Twins workshop.It was so fun.Plus,I got to met them both and told them about my story,They were fine with it.So.....HA!Anyways Comment,Vote,Share with friends.Oh and Sex Scene or Nahh??Yes No Maybe so??

But hey what do I know?Im just a Yellowbone with red hair and some tats.....................Nah nevermind!!Sorry Beez!


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