Chapter 18

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Laus Pov

After we left McDonald's I took Larry home and went straight to the doctor's office.On the way there I called Beyonce and told her that I was deciding to go through the process and she said that she would ask our friends Giannini and Pom to fill in for us thinking that Larry was quitting. I told her that Lar could still work but she insisted that he needed to take care of me.After I talked to her I got on the phone with Larry and told him to come to the doctors.He said he was on his way.

At The Doctors

"Laurent,are you positive because once I start I can't turn back?? "The doctor asked. I looked at my lover and he shook his head.I looked at the doctor and nodded."I'm sure."And I started to drift off as I inhaled the pregabalin and anesthesia he put in the mask over my mouth/nose.

After The Surgery

It's done.It's final.I'm a woman now!!I have a VAGINA!!!!! Lol I can have babies natural now.One day I'm gonna be a mommy. Or a daddyma to Mars.I'm so happy. After I came to all the way the doctor gave me 3 kinds of medicine. One to help the pain,one to "feminize" my body,and the last to control my hormones.I looked at the flowers that were next to my bed and read the note attached to them.


Baby,I left to pick Mars and to get food.I love you and always will.

P.S. I seen your new package and just to let you know ,when you heal up imma knock that pussy out the frame.;)Lol I love you.

I swear that boy will be the death of me.But after I read that I got curious about what it looked like. I got the hand mirror from the draw and put it under the cover. It looked so wierd but I'll get used to it.I touched it and a wave of pleasure went through my body.Ohh let me stop.The doctor said I was fine to go so I dressed myself and called my bae so he could pick me up. He said he was on his way so I waited outside. After 15 minutes he pulled up.Amarie jumped out the back and ran into my arms hugging me."Oh mommy I missted you!!! "She yelled.Such a drama queen. I told her I missed her to and we got into the car.Once we arrived I carried my Mars into the house while Larry carried me.Once we got into the house we cuddled together in the movie room as a family.All 3 of us.And after that everything pretty much went our way........

The End

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