148 6 3

1 Kale

It was happening again...

My insides were churning. Like a roiling sea, my stomach flipped over and back again, then sat like a rock in my throat. My entire core clenched as I gagged, and my breath caught on a raucous cough as I spit into the waters of the Potomac that lapped against the edge of the embankment. Still hacking, I spit again, grimacing at the little dabbles of bile that rotted the inside of my mouth. I hadn't eaten, so there was nothing in my stomach to lose, try as it may.

At the sound of approaching footsteps, I stood straight but kept my back turned, not wanting to shame myself further.

"Kale, sweetie, you can't keep doing this to yourself." A gentle hand touched my shoulder, and I stepped out of its reach to lean one arm against the stone pillar supporting the bridge and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket.

"I'm fine, Meg." Clearing my throat of its hoarseness, I spit again, then licked my lips and adjusted the collar of my jacket as Meg approached.

"No, you're not! You do this every day! You've let those jerks get the better of you."

Swallowing hard, I took a step away from her to retrieve my backpack from where I'd dropped it and picked it up. I didn't tell her she was right. She knew she was. I'd have had less anxiety standing blindfolded on a track with the train coming than going to school, but there was nothing to be done for it, so I shrugged it off.

"It can't be helped," I mumbled. "I can only complain to the principal so many times before he eventually tells me that I'm seventeen and it's time to man up. By this point, no one even looks my way when I'm cornered."

Meg growled and followed me as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and started walking. "Why don't you drop out? I'll forge a parent's signature for you. You're more than capable of passing a GED test. It's not worth it to keep going like this."

I shook my head. "How many times we gotta talk about this? No. We couldn't afford to pay for the test anyway. Graduating is my only chance of getting out of this hell hole one day. I'm too close to give up now." Just a handful of months and I'd walk with the class of 2008.

She huffed. "Education is overrated."

"Not to me."

"Alright, goody-two-shoes, then do what I keep telling you. Next time one of those little turds comes up to you, sock him in the face. Show 'em what-for."

I frowned as I shook my head. "You know why I can't do that."

"Because you know you'd knock 'em the eff out!" She argued. I fixed her a stern glare and she growled but blew out a breath of defeat as she nodded. "At least let me walk you to school, then."

I scoffed. "You ask me that every day, and what do I say?"

"That you're a stubborn pain in the ass..." She grumbled with her arms crossed.

"I'm not going to fuel them by hiding behind a girl and looking even more pathetic. I'll be fine."

She shook her head, and I looked away before she realized just how tempting her offer was. Wearing full goth attire, right down to the spiked choker and nose ring, Meg intimidated the crap out of everyone she came across. No doubt, she'd make quite an impact on the little turds that occupied my school, but, intimidating or not, showing up with an escort just wasn't an option. Especially not for me.

"I'll go incognito." Meg tried again. "Wait for those little jerks to try something, then make them regret ever looking at you."

I smiled even as I shook my head. "There's no such thing as incognito for you. You're too dominating."

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