Chapter 6: Kazzi

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6 Kazzi

Lisa and I went our separate ways from Brad and Cody as soon as we exited the store. The boys wanted to stock up on beer and God-knew-what-else for the party tonight, and I just wanted to get away from them for a while. I wanted to get away from Lisa too, but it would have taken less effort to get rid of a rash. Her arm was wound around mine, strutting us down the sidewalk as though we were the best of friends, and it was getting on my nerves.

"What are you wearing to the party tonight?" She asked as we paused at the crosswalk.

A kid with a face full of zits, maybe thirteen years old, was standing alongside us, a skateboard under his right foot. Just to screw with him, I knew, Lisa gave him a wink and a seductive lick of her lips as she cupped her own breast. The kid's mouth fell open as he visibly shuddered and possibly creamed his pants. I shook my head as Lisa giggled. She was such a whore.

"So? Tell me about your fabulous attire! Or even better, we should totally go buy something sexy!" She continued to rant as the light turned and we crossed the street toward her neighborhood. Thankfully, the kid didn't follow.

In all honesty, I didn't want to go to the stupid party. It was the third one that month between the four of us having our parents go out of town, and they were all the same. Lots of drinking, lots of weed, lots of watching out for the cops and skinny dipping in heated pools to tasteless, too-loud music while Brad and Cody proceeded to hump everything with two legs and tits. I was tired of it. The idea of staying home and binge-watching The Office sounded much more appealing.

"I'm not sure I'm gonna go."

"What?! You have to go!"

"I don't have to do anything. The parties are boring, and I don't want to go. It's as simple as that."

She gaped at me. "You won't even come for Evan? He's gonna be there. It'll give you guys the perfect excuse to hook up!"

I let out a growl. She knew how to get to me, but Evan wasn't exactly known for dating. Like Cody, it would take at least a dozen hands to count the number of pants he'd been in, but only a few fingers to count the commitments.

I'd already ended up on the roster for Cody, after one such of those stupid parties and way too many Jell-O shots. Cody didn't even remember it. He'd taken my virginity at fifteen and had no recollection of it at all. I didn't want to end up a faceless lay ever again.

"Maybe." I mumbled.

"You know he's totally into you, don't you?" Lisa continued, and I rolled my eyes.

"Into my pants, maybe. That's not what I'm after."

"Don't be such a prude! There are worse things in the world than getting laid by Evan Henriksson, and with the way he was hitting on you Wednesday... you'd be stupid not to go."

Sighing heavily, I nodded. "Maybe." I repeated.

"So, anyway, you're going." Lisa decided for me. "So, let's hit the mall and find ourselves something cute."

She was committed. There would be no talking her out of it. On a subtle growl, I allowed her to pull me to the mall, then from store to store until we were both out of a hundred bucks. She took me home after, then left so we both could change and make ourselves look presentable. I knew she'd be spending the next two hours in front of her bathroom mirror, but I helped myself to the couch as soon as I got home and spent my two hours eating popcorn and watching The Office. I only turned it off when the hall clock chimed eleven-thirty, which meant I had to get a move on to make it to the party by midnight.

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