Chapter 24: Kale

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One year later

"Woah, be careful!" I rushed to Kazzi's side and took the cardboard box from her as she stepped over the threshold into the house. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to help." She grumbled, then followed me as I carried the box to the kitchen and set it on the island. Groaning, she leaned her elbows on the counter, forehead on her folded arms.

"You should not be carrying boxes right now." Coming up behind her, I gently massaged her shoulders, my fingers kneading down to her lower back, and she sighed as I bent to press a kiss to the nape of her neck.

"I can't expect you to do all the work." She mumbled into the counter, and I smiled as I continued rubbing her back.

"I have plenty of help. Your job is to sit and rest."

"That's right." Came another voice, and I looked up as Mo entered, two large boxes balanced atop his arms, completely hiding his face. Amar followed behind him, an equally sized pile of boxes in front of him.

"Like a boss, Amar," I said and heard him chuckle behind the cardboard.

"You know it. But I wouldn't complain if you helped."

I went and took the top one from him, checked the label, then dropped it in the living room before returning. Mo had disappeared back outside, and when he returned he was balancing one of Kazzi's large armchairs, which he set in the middle of the empty kitchen, where Kazzi was still leaning on the counter. He pointed a finger at her, then at the chair.

"Butt, chair, now."

She rolled her eyes. "I can help, you know. I helped pack."

"Packing doesn't count," I commented, and went to take her hand, guided her to the chair, and helped her to sit, then sank to my knees in front of her. "You are doing ten times more work than we are already, growing this beautiful baby in your body." I splayed my hands over her largely distended belly, and she sighed as she smiled. "So please let us worry about unpacking the truck. You just take it easy."

She inhaled deeply and let her breath out in a huff. "Does it make you feel macho?"

"Yes, it does."

She rolled her eyes, but her lips had lifted into a grin. "Fine. You better hurry up, then. Baby and I are starving."

"I think I can solve that problem." Solani's voice came from behind me, and I turned to see her enter through the front door, an open-topped box in her hand that reeked of drool-worthy food. She set it on the island next to the 'utensils' box. "Kale told Mo you've been craving my chapati and chutney."

"Like crazy." Kazzi agreed and tried to stand, which I quickly put a stop to.

"Sit. I'll get it for you."

She crossed her arms. "Kale, you don't have to wait on me."

"Oh, you secretly love it." The way her lips turned up ever so slightly told me I was right, and I skimmed my knuckles down her cheek before pushing against the arms of the chair to stand.

"I'd humor him if I were you, Kazz. You've given him so much to live for. Let him pamper you." Saloni chided, and I heard Kazzi huff again.

"Yeah, well his pampering skills are making me feel pretty useless... he's lucky I love him."

Turning, I winked at her, then made her a plate of chapati and extra chutney, placing a kiss to Solani's cheek as I did so. "You're the best."

"Only for you, my sweet."

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