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The boy gripped on his backpack straps, in front of him was a school. A big private one.. this was his first time going to a private school though he doesn't know how he even got accepted.

"Jungwon!" Someone shouted from behind him. The boy turned around confused to see who was calling his name.

It was his childhood friend Jake. Jungwon immediately stopped being nervous and anxious. He brought his hand up and waved "Jake Hyung!" He rushed over to his friend and gave him a little hug.

"Excited for your first day of school?" Jake smiled warmly to which the younger's smile faded. He was now nervous again.

"Don't worry" Jake let out a little chuckle. "Nothings going to happen" he smiled and put his arm over the younger's shoulder then dragged him inside.

"What class do you have first?" Jake asked as he kept his arm over the younger's shoulder. Jungwon shrugged "I haven't gotten my schedule yet" he said.

"Then let's go get it" Jake took a turn around the corner which made Jungwon bump into someone and almost fall over.

Jake choked on his laugh as the person they had bumped into dropped all their things. "Dude, watch it" Jake spat before dragging Jungwon elsewhere.

"Well that was rude... we could've helped him" Jungwon sighed, feeling bad for the person they had bumped into because they held a lot of books and papers.

"No, you don't get it— he deserves it. He's a total jerk" Jake sighed pulling his arm away from Jungwons shoulders.

"What did he do?" Jungwon asked, gripping on his backpack straps once more. He still felt bad for the person...

"It's more of what he didn't do" Jake stopped in front of the office, and turned to the confused Jungwon. "He and my friend were dating, but he just completely ignored him the whole time"

"Oh... that's still not an excuse to be rude" Jungwon sighed, "but fine.. wait here" he left Jake alone and went into the office.


Soon Jungwon thanked and bowed to the receptionist then walked out of the office with his locker number and schedule.

"So what do you have first?" Jake asked as Jungwon walked towards his locker. "I've got English?" Jungwon said, looking at Jake while walking.

"Same, let's go to your locker then to class" Jake and Jungwon shared smiles and nods.


At lunch, Jake brought the younger to the rooftop where his friends hung out and introduced the younger to them. There was Jay, Sunoo and Sunghoon.

Jungwon and the others got each other really well. It's like they've been friends for years even though they had just met each other.

Jungwon checked his wrist watch and stood up, "anyone want to go to the canteen before lunch break ends?" He asked hoping at least one of them would come with, but they all stood up quickly and stood beside him.

"All of us?" Jungwon asked to which they all nodded. He nodded then began walking down the stairs then to the canteen.

While all the others bought some stuff from the canteen, Jungwon looked behind him and saw the guys he and Jake had bumped into entering the bathroom.

"Hey, guys.. I'll be back" Jungwon said not moving his gaze from the bathroom door he made his way over which left the others confused because he was the one who wanted to go to the canteen.

Jungwon knocked on the door before slowly walking in and seeing the boy washing his hands. "Hey.." Jungwon whispered, "I'm sorry about what happened earlier.." he apologized.

The boy scoffed.

Confusion plastered all over jungwons face, why did the boy just scoff? Was this funny? He thought. "I just came to apologize..." Jungwon said.

"Yeah, I'm not falling for it" The boy scoffed once more, dried his hands. "Tell Jake and his minions to back off" he hissed before walking out of the bathroom and slamming the door.

Jungwon flinched at the sound of the door slamming. "Okay.." he said in complete confusion then left the bathroom and made his way to the canteen.

"Hey, you okay?" Jake asked holding a bag full of junk foods. The younger nodded.

"Anyway, we were talking about hanging out today. You in?" Sunoo asked, taking a bit from the sausage he just bought.

"Sure" Jungwon nodded and gripped on his backpack straps, "I just need to head home first, why don't we exchange numbers?" He asked.

They all agreed to exchange numbers and so they did and went on their separate ways to classes.

[time skip]

After school, Jungwon made his way home on his bike. His house was at least twenty minutes away by walking and fifteen by bike.

Jungwon soon met with a apartment complex, he sighed before bringing his bike over to the bike racket and chaining it up.

While on his way to his apartment, he struggled to make it passed two people who had been in a fist fight. This led to Jungwon accidentally getting punched in the face.

But the guys who had been fighting ignored Jungwon and just kept fighting.

Jungwon groaned and held his nose as it kept bleeding, he made his way to his apartment and closed the door behind him after he entered.

He walked over his father who was passed out on the floor after a fun night and walked to the bathroom to get paper towels.

After sticking paper towels up his nose, he walked to the kitchen and prepared dinner for his family.

He made hangover stew for his father, and kimchi for both his mother and older sister.

"Dad" Jungwon poked his fathers sides with his toe, "dad wake up" Jungwon did it a little harder which caused his father to groan. "What do you want?" His father said

"Your food is done, moms coming home soon" After Jungwon said that, his father immediately got up from the floor and sat at the table eating his hangover stew.

"Also, can I go out today..? With some classmates" Jungwon asked, while cleaning the dishes he used.

"Sure, whatever" Jungwon smiled widely at his fathers response. Most times Jungwon wasn't allowed to go out, because he had chores to do and he does most of the cooking.

After Jungwon finished cleaning, he covered the kimchi and rushed to his room to get ready.


Idk what this is— I'm new at enhypen so pls be nice<3

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