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!!!TW: suicide attempt!!!

The night passed quickly as expected, all they did last night was eat and watch movies together. Which kind of comforted Jungwon and distracted him for awhile.

When Jungwon woke up, the first thing he saw was Niki. They had been laying in Jungwons bed together.

Jungwon stared for what felt like the longest time but it was only 5 minutes.

"Take a picture" Niki said, and that's when Jungwon noticed that Niki had woken up. "It'll last longer" Niki did the f boy face.

Jungwon rolled his eyes and flicked Niki on the forehead, "I told you not to do that face"

Niki winced then rolled off Jungwons bed and hit the floor with a thump. "Ow" Niki whispered. Jungwon laughed.

"Shut up" Niki mumbled but Jungwon could hear him, still laying flat on the floor.

"Come on, let's go eat" Jungwon said getting up from his bed. Niki got up and sat on his bed. He'd never seen Jungwon like this. Shorts, a shirt that was too big on him and messy hair.

Niki nodded with a tiny of pink running over his cheeks. He cleared his throat, "oh.. okay" niki stuttered.

This left Jungwon confused as to why niki was acting like this, though he just scrunched up his face and left the room. Niki trailed behind him.

Just as Jungwon was about to start cooking, Niki stopped him, "let's just order in" he said, insisting.

Jungwon shook his head, "I don't want to use up all your money" he said, starting to get the things ready to cook.

"Jungwon" Niki grabbed onto Jungwons hand, and dragged him to the living room. Once he got there, Niki sat down and made Jungwon sit down with him.

"You should rest, while your father is in the hospital" Niki said with a hint of concern in his tone. "Please" Niki said.

Jungwon looked at his hands, they were in Niki's.

"For me" Niki said, to which Jungwon looked at him. "Rest, for a couple of days" Niki said.

It had been a couple of minutes, but Jungwon finally gave up. "Okay" he sighed and nodded while he caressed Niki's hand with his thumb.

Niki smiled.


It had just been two hours later when the two started getting ready for school. They were obviously late but, they had to wait for the food to be delivered.

"Niki hurry up! I'm going now!" Jungwon shouted from the door, then closed it behind him as he rushed down the stairs. Niki followed soon after.

"You could have waited for me" Niki said, stumbling as they both ran as fast as they could to the bus stop.

"Sorry love, I don't want to be late" Jungwon said, panting then sent Niki a warm smile before running faster.

"HOW ARE YOU SO FAST!!??" Niki shouted, trying to catch up with Jungwon all while almost dropping his things on the ground.

Just as the bus was leaving, Jungwon ran over and started hitting the windows like a maniac. This startled the bus driver, "stop, stop!" Jungwon shouted.

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