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Jungwon refreshed his phones messages multiple times to check if any of the guys had messaged him. He had been waiting at the meet up spot for about an hour, Jungwon is starting to believe that they just set him up...

"Jungwon" Someone said, to which Jungwon looked around to see Jay walking towards him. "Sorry I'm late, I had stuff do to. Did the guys come over yet?" He asked.

Jungwon shrugged and put his phone in his pocket then looked at the ground with his hands between his knees.

"We're you waiting long..?" Jay asked as he sat on the bench beside Jungwon. He nodded "for an hour"

"Oh I'm sorry" Jay said "I'm sure the others will be here soon"

Jungwon nodded then kept a comfortable silence between them. Though he didn't like the quietness so he decided to ask about the jerk Jake was talking about until someone shouted. "Jungwon! Jay!"

Jungwon looked around in confusion, Jay did the same. Until they found Jake walking on one side and sunoo and sunghoon walking on the other.

"What took you guys so long?" Jungwon asked, getting up from the bench as they all met up in the middle.

"I had to take care of some things" Jake sighed, with a little cut on his lip. Jungwon just assumed he had gotten into a fight with his parents or brother but didn't want to bring it up.

"We went to go buy these" Sunghoon said holding up a bag of foods. Sunoo nodded with a smile.

Jungwon nodded.

"So what are we doing?" Jay asked, bringing his hands into his pockets.

"We were thinking of going to the internet café to play games for awhile and do something else after?" Jake said. Jungwon nodded then realized "wait, you didn't say we needed to bring money..? I don't have any" he said.

"It's fine, I will pay for you" Jake smiled and put his arm over jungwons shoulder then dragged him along.


After almost two outs at the café, jungwons phone blew up with messages and calls. But he hadn't noticed earlier because it was on silent.

"Guys, they need me at home" Jungwon got up from his chair and grabbed his phone and house keys then put the keys in his pocket.

"What? Why? Can't you stay out longer?" Jake asked, sighing in disappointment.

"I wish I could, but my family has been blowing up my phone for the past two hours" jungwon said cleaning his set up then leaving the café.

Once Jungwon met with his apartment complex, he quickly ran up and saw his door was open.

He walked inside and saw that his house was trashed and found his father sitting on the floor.

"Dad? What happened?" Jungwon asked as he began cleaning up the mess.

"Your mother left with her sister" jungwons father said as he got up and walked to the room.

Jungwon was so confused on what happened, though he just started cleaning up the place and carefully placing the glass in a box then throwing it away.

Soon it was all clean except for the holes in the walls from his father punching them. Jungwon sat on the couch and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

He texted his mother but she left him on seen, it went like this for hours. But Jungwon wasn't to worried about what happened. In fact he was used to it, their parents would fight, trash the place, leave Jungwon to clean it all up by himself. Not talk for a week and come back.

After an hour of trying to fix the TV Jungwon gave up and looked in the fridge to cook some food but there wasn't any so he checked in his room under his bed and pulled out a jar full of money.

Jungwon sighed before bringing some money into his pocket and going to his fathers room. He knocked before he entered. "I'm going to buy some food" Jungwon said to his father who laid faced towards the wall.

"okay" his father muttered.

Jungwon shrugged and left his room then left the apartment. He soon met up with a food stall and bought some corn dogs and bought some drinks at a convenience store.

Along his way back home he accidentally bumped into someone while he was on his phone. And made them fall over, he soon noticed that it was the person he had bumped into earlier at school.

Jungwon quickly put his phone in his pocket and held both bags in one hand. "Sorry about that" he held out his hand to help the guy up but he just got up by himself.

"It's okay.." he whispered. Jungwon nodded awkwardly. "Want a corn dog?" He asked grabbing one from his bag and holding it in front of the guys face.

He just gave a small smile and nodded, "thank you..." he whispered. Jungwon smiled and passed him a corn dog.

"Sorry about what happened earlier..." the guy said, "in the bathroom— I was just annoyed"

Jungwon nodded, "it's fine" he smiled then it became quiet, an awkward silence.

"So, I'm Jungwon, what's your name?" Jungwon said trying to break the awkward silence.

"Nishimura Riki— or you could just call me Niki" he said awkwardly.

Jungwon smiled and nodded "okay niki" he held his hand out. Niki took it and Jungwon shook his hand "nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" niki smiled.

Jungwons phones notifications went off, "hold up" he took his phone out of his pocket and it was a message from his mother. Saying that she and his older sister had moved to his grandmas house and that he would move soon too.

Jungwon sighed, he'd just begun making friends and just started at a new school.

"Is everything okay..?" Niki asked, taking the last bit of his corn dog.

"Yeah, it's fine" Jungwon smiled and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Anyway, I need to get home" niki said. "But we can talk tomorrow? At school?" Niki continued as he began to walk backwards.

Jungwon nodded "sure" he smiled and waved as he began walking home.

AHH Finally, I've been stuck on one sentence for so long😭 anyway I hope you like this—

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