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The next morning jungwon was woken up by someone shaking him. He groaned and tried to keep his eyes open. "Jungwon, wake up" his older sister said still shaking him.

"Hanna? What are you doing here?" Jungwon sat up, confused as to why she was there.

"Mom told me to get a few things, hurry get ready" Hanna got up and left the room. Jungwon was still confused so he got up and followed behind her. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Didn't mom tell you that you were moving with us to grandmas?" Hanna said while packing her clothes.

"Well yeah, but I didn't think I would move right away— I mean I still have school"

Hanna groaned and turned to look at Jungwon "if you want to stay here, just say it" she snapped.

Jungwon became silent, he felt bad for not wanting to move but he wanted to finish school at the school he just started and he had just gotten friends. Friends that were actually nice to him.

"I'm staying here then" Jungwon sighed and left Hannas room then went into the kitchen. He didn't want to start all over again just over his parents fight.

Hanna followed behind him, "okay, call mom okay?" She placed her bag on the table, "are you sure you want to stay?" She asked worriedly.

Jungwon nodded, "I want to stay, it's my decision" he said pouring water into a glass cup.

"Okay, make sure to call mom" Hanna said putting her sweater on and leaving the apartment.

Jungwon sighed before taking a shower and getting ready for school. It was 7:49 am when he left the house and made his way to school.

Once he got to the school, he put some stuff in his locker and met with Jake and the others. After his first class was PE.

Although today started boring, Jungwon was somewhat excited to meet and talk with Niki. He thought that they would be pretty good friends.

He changed into his gym uniform and stretched a bit before the PE teacher came in the gym.

As Jungwon sat on the bleachers, Niki was behind him slowly creeping up to him. "Boo!" Niki shook Jungwon.

Jungwon screamed loudly that people in the gym got startled. Jungwon jumped from the bleachers and had almost fell over but Niki caught him.

When Jungwon had noticed that Niki just scared him. He punched Niki's arm "not cool" Jungwon let out a little laugh he tried to keep in.

"Sorry, I saw my chance so I took it" Niki let out a laugh and sat on the bleachers. Jungwon sat beside him.

"Anyway" Jungwon took a deep breath, "want to hang out today? After school or at lunch?" He asked hoping Niki would say okay.

Niki gave it a thought, "what about we skip..? At lunch" even though it didn't look like it, Niki was very happy that Jungwon had asked to hang out.

"At lunch?" Jungwon whispered, then gave it a little thought for awhile. His father wouldn't mind if he'd stay out for a little awhile after school? He just shook the thought of his father off.

"Yeah, sure" Jungwon smiled.

Niki was just about to talk until the PE teacher spoke up. "Gather around here!" He said loudly so that all the students could hear.

"We should go.." Jungwon said, Niki nodded and they both got up and walked to the middle of the gym.

Jungwon didn't listen to the teacher, he just stared at the floor with his arms crossed. He over thought on what Niki was about to say. But it was probably something not important, right..? He thought then shook it off.

He was confused when he saw the other students bringing the net out. Jungwon quickly walked over to help.

After setting up the net, the teacher bought some volleyballs and divided the class into two teams.

While playing, Jungwon was just about to spike the ball until he completely missed and landed on his feet wrong, and twisted his ankle.

Jungwon fell on the floor with a yelp. The teacher ran over to check his ankle and students were gathering around him.

"Can- can you guys-" Jungwon tried talking but he was focused on the pain coming from his ankle.

Niki rushed over and crouched down, "oh- does that hurt?" He asked.

"No!! It doesn't hurt!" Jungwon said with complete sarcasm.

"Sorry" Niki said quietly then looked at everyone who stood around the two of them and the teacher.

"Can you guys stop surrounding him?" Niki asked to which everyone understood and nodded while walking away.

"Stay still, I'll get the ambulance" the teacher got up and went to his office.

Niki sighed and looked at Jungwon, he frowned. It was obvious that Niki didn't like seeing Jungwon in pain.

Soon the ambulance came and picked up Jungwon on a stretcher. And put him in the ambulance.

The medic were about to close the back doors until Jungwon spoke up. "Niki- come with me" he said.

Niki looked at him in confusion, "is that okay?" He looked at the medic who stood beside him.

"I suppose" The medic said, Niki nodded and quickly got in and sat on the seat.


After awhile, the doctor finally finished checking the X-rays and said that it wasn't broken and that it was just a sprain.

Niki yawned, sitting on the chair that sat beside the hospital bed. "I shouldn't have told you to come" Jungwon looked at Niki and frowned at how tired he looked.

Niki shook his head, "I'm happy you told me to come, don't worry" he smiled and let out a small yawn.

Jungwon nodded with a smile.

"Why aren't your parents coming yet?" Niki asked, sitting up straight as he just noticed that Jungwons parents hadn't came at all today.

"They have work" Jungwon said, nodding as he tried to make his lie sound like it was true.

Niki nodded, "im going to get some snacks from the machine, do you want anything?" He asked.


Niki nodded and stood up with a small smile then left the room.

Jungwons face immediately turned red, he brought his hands to his face and squealed into them.


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