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without knowing, jungwon fell asleep while niki was on the ground floor spamming his phone with messages.

he tried for an hour or two but soon left, because it was getting too late.

the next morning jungwon was woken up by his phone ringing. he groaned and picked it up and answered. "what?" he said in annoyance.

"hey, it's niki's big sister"

jungwon yawned and sat up, "okay?" he asked.

"um.. i just wanted to tell you that niki is leaving soon" she said, awkwardly.

"he's leaving... soon?" jungwon said with a sleepy voice.

"yeah, i thought you wanted to say goodbye before he left. he seemed pretty out of it this morning , did something happen between you guys?"

"wait, how do you know about niki and i?" jungwon suddenly asked.

"oh.. he always talks about you to me and my little sister" she said with a small giggle, "you know, he really loves you"

jungwon looked at his hands, "when is he leaving?"

"soon, like now soon"


"he's going to the airport right now"

"shit shit" jungwon got up from his bed and grabbed a sweater from the floor and just threw it on. "thank you for calling me bye" he hung up so fast and ran out of his room.

"jungwon? what's wrong?" his mother said who was sitting on the couch after jungwon ran straight to the door.

"nothing, bye mom see you" jungwon said quickly, and put on random shoes then made his way downstairs.

once he made the ground floor, he shivered as the coldness hit his body. though he ignored it and rushed over to the road.

while running he was waving at taxi's, trying to get them to see him. it was not only ten minutes later when a taxi pulled over and he got in.

"take me to the airport" jungwon said, to which the driver nodded. "can you be fast?" jungwon asked politely.

"yeah sure, you know a hurry?" the driver asked.

jungwon nodded and muttered a yes while looking at his phone. he just saw the messages niki sent him last night.

niki riki: did i do anything wrong?

what did i do?

jungwon. i've been waiting for an hour, where are you?

two hours jungwon, I've been waiting for two hours..

fuck it, i'm going home. have a nice night..

jungwon sighed and sent a message,

jungwon: hey, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have stood you up like that. i'm coming to the airport right now, please wait for me..

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