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The next morning, Niki helped Jungwon on his way home. Jungwon had figured that his mother would pay the hospital bills but she didn't answer his calls.

As they met with the door of Jungwons apartment, he turned to look at Niki. "You should go now, your parents are probably worried" he said.

Niki nodded, "are you going to be okay?" He asked pulling his phone out of his pocket.

Jungwon nodded.

"What's your number?" Niki asked, passing his phone over to Jungwon. Jungwon looked at Niki in confusion. "Put your number in my phone so I can call you"

Jungwon nodded and put his number, "I'll see you later" he smiled.

Niki nodded "go in first"

Jungwon then nodded and said his byes before entering his apartment. Niki soon left also.

As Jungwon entered the apartment, he met with a rather messy living room filled with soju bottles and junk foods. There his father laid on the couch passed out.

Jungwon groaned in annoyance then figured that he'd just clean it tomorrow before going to school.

He walked to his room and changed into comfortable clothes, with that he cooked some food for himself and sat at the table eating.

Although it may not seem like it, Jungwon couldn't do the things he did before- due to his sprained ankle, it would be pretty hard to get his father to his room from the couch.

He'd just decided that his father was to sleep on the couch for this night, and hoped that his ankle would heal a bit more in the morning.

Just before Jungwon put his dishes into the sink, a hand was placed on the back of his neck and his head was pulled back roughly.

"Dad- stop it" Jungwon said trying to stay calm. This would happen ever so often when his father was drunk.

"Where were you?" His father said angrily, "you better not have been with one of your gay boys" of course Jungwon was out to his parents, his mother supported it- as for his father, he wasn't fond of it.

"Let go of me" Jungwon struggled to get his fathers hands off of him. "Dad"

"Tell me first" his father then dragged him to the couch and forced him to sit on it. Jungwon winced as his stumbled on his way because of his sprained ankle.

"Where were you!" His father shouted.

"At the hospital!" Jungwon shouted, "I was at the hospital, calm down- jeez" he crossed his arms in annoyance.

His father suddenly softened up, "what- what happened?" He asked softly.

Jungwon scoffed, "you don't need to worry, it's just a sprained ankle" Jungwon got up and went to the kitchen to finish the dishes.

Jungwons father felt bad for what he did, not for assuming that Jungwon was with a boy. Because he wasn't there for Jungwon at the hospital.

His father then went to his room and laid there facing the wall.

Jungwon sighed then dropped the dishes in the sink before walking to his room and slamming the door.


It soon became night, Jungwon has been in his room all day, it was the same for his father.

Jungwon was just about to go clean the living room until his phone began ringing, he picked it up and said hello.

It was Niki, he'd asked if Jungwon wanted to hang out or if Niki could come over.

They both decided that Jungwon was to go out because his father would freak.

Jungwon struggled a bit to get down the stairs but he managed and met with Niki at the ground floor.

"Where are we going?" Jungwon asked, as to what they were going to do because they hadn't planned anything.

"It's a surprise" Niki smiled then helped Jungwon out of the apartment and into the Uber.

Soon they parked, Jungwon looked out the window in amusement. Niki had taken him to a carnival.

Jungwon then got out of the Uber as Niki paid the driver and then followed after Jungwon.

Jungwon put his arm over Nikis shoulder then gave a smile before entering the carnival.

"Where should we go first?" Jungwon asked moving his gaze from the crowd to Niki.

"Let's go on that" Niki pointed at the swing tower. To which Jungwon smiled and nodded. It didn't seem like it but both of them were terrified for their life.

But it was for fun right?

They got in line then soon sat on the swings, buckled up and it started spinning slowly as it brought them higher and higher.

Once they had gotten off, Jungwon felt kind of sick but didn't throw up. Niki laughed at this.

They went on a bunch of rides until it was dark out, lights were flashing from the rides and people were laughing and chattering.

They both had decided that the Ferris wheel was their last ride, since Jungwon should rest his ankle before heading home.

Jungwon thanked the worker before they got on and sat comfortably. Niki did the same right beside him.

"I'm so tired" Jungwon sighed then leaned his head on Niki's shoulder.

Niki nodded then yawned, "I'm tired too" he rubbed his face then looked at Jungwon who had fallen asleep.

Niki let out a small laugh then looked at the sky. One thing Niki didn't know, that Jungwon wasn't actually sleeping.

Jungwon was just deep into his thoughts, thinking about a lot of things hurt his head. He groaned which startled Niki because he had thought Jungwon was asleep.

"What's wrong?" Niki asked, to which Jungwon pulled his head up and shrugged.

"I'm thinking about to many things at once, it's making my head hurt"

Niki nodded, "is there anything I can do?"

Jungwon shrugged then sighed looking at Niki. Niki did the same, look at Jungwon.

There was a silence, though it wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a comfortable silence.

Jungwon leaned it and kissed Niki so suddenly that Niki had pulled away.

"I'm- im so sorry" Jungwon sat straight and covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

Niki grabbed Jungwons hands and pulled them away from his face then pecked his lips. "It's okay" he gave a small smile before pecking his lips once more.

Jungwon smiled with a tint of pink running over his cheeks. He leaned his head once more on Niki's shoulder still smiling.


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