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jungwon finally woke up the next day, in an unfamiliar room. he groaned as he sat up, his head pounding.

"woah, you should lay down. we're in heeseungs guest room" niki said, as he just entered the room with a tray of food.

jungwon shook his head and got up, he reached in his pocket for his phone but it wasn't there.

"i got you hangover soup, sit down" niki said placing the tray on the working desk across the room.

jungwon sighed and sat down, his head still hurting. he muttered a thanks to niki without glancing at him.

"oh, i forgot to give you this" niki said, taking jungwons phone out of his pocket and handing it over to him. "i got it repaired"

jungwon nodded and grabbed the phone and put it into his pocket.

"jungwon, we need to talk" niki said, leaning on the desk with his arms crossed.

jungwon closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and looked at niki. "what's there to talk about?" he said blankly, "you were the one who cut all ties with me"

"it wasn't my fault"

"yeah but you still did it" jungwons voice cracked, he grabbed the bowl and drank the hangover soup from it.

niki sighed, "it was my mom" he said, getting up and going to stand behind jungwon. "she threatened to send me abroad if i didn't end things with you"

jungwon placed the bowl down.

"i'm sorry i hurt you" niki placed his arms around jungwon. "i really am"

jungwon peeled nikis arms off of him and stood up. "i can't.." he said, looking at the confused niki, "i can't do this.."

"jungwon" niki said as jungwon made his way to the door. "jungwon, i said i was sorry. what more do you want?"

"i'll see you later riki" jungwon said, with a small nod and left with that.

niki then sighed.


the whole day, niki stayed in his room. his mother tried multiple times to get him out but it resulted to them yelling at each other.

"i will not allow you to have a boyfriend! you will get married once your eighteen with a GIRL!" his mother shouted from outside of the room.

niki laughed, "no, i'm not getting married. i don't even want to get married. you can't force me" he said.

"you will do as i say! i am your mother!"

"sorry!? what did you say!? i'm listening to music!" niki shouted back and put on earphones.

at jungwons house, jungwon sat on the kitchen table with his mother and sister. earlier, they were trying to get his father out of the room to eat but nothing helped.

"he's stupid" jungwons mother muttered, sitting straight and beginning to eat.

"he's not stupid" jungwon said, looking straight at his mother.

"you're really saying that now? after he hurt us? not only one time but multiple times" jungwons mother said, slamming the fork on the table, causing the table to shake a bit.

"he hurt us, but he's still my father" jungwon said, "i can't bash him like you do.. not after i saw him like that" he said, getting up and walking to his room.

jungwon slammed the door and laid on his bed. he pulled up his phone and looked at people's stories on instagram.

he stayed on his phone until it midnight, the only reason why he went out of his room was because jake was downstairs. which confused jungwon, because jake knew the password.

jungwon walked downstairs, in pyjamas and his mother's slippers. he opened the door and walked outside in the cold, no one was there.

jungwon pulled up his phone and dialled jakes phone number, once jake answered jungwon said "where are you?"

"listen" jake said, "i know you said you were done with him, but i've never seen you that happy"

jungwon turned around to see niki standing there, "i hate you" jungwon said.

"you love me" jake said, hanging up.

jungwon put his phone in his pocket and looked at niki awkwardly.

"like i said before, i'm sorry" niki said, walking closer to jungwon.

jungwon sighed and began walking inside. niki just stood there until jungwon stopped and turned around. "what are you doing? follow me. it's to cold outside" with that, niki trailed behind jungwon.

once they entered jungwons room, they sat opposite from each other. jungwon sat on his bed and niki sat on the chair by niki's desk.

"what i said before, at heeseungs" niki started, "i wasn't lying" he said.

jungwon shrugged and pulled his legs on the bed so now he was sitting cross legged.

niki hesitated but stood up and walked over to jungwon to sit beside him. "i want to tell you something.." niki said.

jungwon looked at niki.

"jungwon.." niki's breath hitched, "i'm moving abroad for high school and university"

jungwon sighed and looked at the floor, he didn't know what to say. of course he'd miss niki.

"jungwon, there's something else i want to tell you" niki said. jungwon looked back at him. "i love you.."

"when are you moving?" jungwon asked, of course he loved niki. but he didn't know how to say it.

nikis face looked like he had just seen a ghost, he cleared his throat. "i'm going in two days"

jungwon nodded, and looked back at the floor.

"jungwon, say something" niki said.

jungwon looked at him, "i love you too"

with that, a big smile appeared on niki's face. "really?" he said.

"of course i do"

A/N: HEYY, only a couple chapters left until book is complete, which is sad and exciting because i enjoyed writing this a lot and im going to miss it!!  i hope you also enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it.

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