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the day went by quickly, as jungwon was now walking back home. he still hasn't seen jake yet, it worried him because jakes always there. rambling on and on.

his earphones on, blasting music from nirvana. the band he'd recently got into.

as jungwon is walking, he felt a small tap on his shoulder. it startled him a little, causing him to jump slightly. he turns around to see jake, the friend he'd been wanting to see all day.

jungwon takes one earphone off, "jake, where were you?" he asked, keeping one hand in his pocket.

"sorry," jake said, a cut on his lip and a bruise on his eye. "i was busy with.. things"

"jake what happened to you?" jungwon gasped, reaching in to touch jakes eye until jake slapped his hand away.

"it'll hurt" jake said.

jungwon nodded and cleared his throat, "you need a place to stay?" he asked.

jake shook his head, "it's okay, don't worry" he said, linking arms with jungwon and walking beside him. "were you going home?" he asked.

jungwon nodded, "i haven't got any where to be anyways" he shrugged.

"i feel like something happened, something bad" jake said, stopping in his tracks making jungwon stop with him.

"yeah.." jungwon said, unlinking arms with jake. "i think riki and i broke up"

"what do you mean you think??"

"he kinda started ghosting me, he even blocked me on all his socials" jungwon said, starting to walk again with jake following behind him.

"i told you, niki was going to hurt you" jake said.

"i know you told me, and i should have listened to you" jungwon said, coming to a halt and looking directly at jakes eyes. "i'm done with him"

"are you sure?" jake asked.

"yeah im sure" jungwon said, beginning to walk again.


after that, the both of them hung out in jungwons room playing games until it was night.

before jake was getting ready to leave, he had gotten a text from his friend sunghoon saying that he'd been invited to a party and was allowed to invite anyone.

jake asked jungwon to go with him, which took a lot of convincing but jungwon finally agreed and they were now on their way.

"who's party is this anyway?" jungwon asked, holding his phone in his hands while walking.

"i don't know, someone with the last name of lee" jake shrugged, "i think it's a college party"

jungwon nodded and put his phone in his pocket, "dude, when is the taxi going to be here? it's taking so long" he started complaining until a car honked, startling the two a bit.

"that's us" jake said, making his way to the car and getting in. jungwon did the same.

soon they met with a big house, they got out of the car and entered the house. "you know, parties aren't really my thing" jungwon said, trailing behind jake, trying to stay close to him because there was many older and younger people there.

"then you'll just have to take something to ease you a bit" jake said, before he'd saw sunoo, jay, and sunghoon talking to each other.

"heyyy" jake greeted, as he did so, jay passed him a cup and poured whatever was in the jug.

"you want one?" jay turned to jungwon, politely asking.

jungwon shook his head, "no, i'm good" he said.

jay shrugged, "suit yourself" he said, chugging the cup.

jungwon sighed and pulled out his phone, jake and the others went to talk to other people while he was using his phone.

just right after he had gotten a message from his mother saying that she wanted him home now, he saw niki enter the house walking along the heeseung, his friend.

"fuck fuck fuck" jungwon cussed under his breath, he grabbed a cup from the table and looked at it for a brief moment before chugging it.

the drink tasted bad, but he went for another one and headed up stairs, walking right passed niki.

once jungwon got upstairs, he entered the bathroom and sat in the bathtub. still holding the drink in his hands, he turned on the water and laid comfortably.

once he was finished with his cup, the water was already almost to his shoulders. jungwon turned off the water and looked at the ceiling. he let out a small giggle, if people were in there with him they'd call him crazy.

"fuck" jungwon said talking to himself, with a smile. "i am crazy" he said, drawing his cup at the door.

then he realized he was in the bathtub, and looked around in confusion. his vision slowly getting blurry. jungwon closed his eyes and fell asleep.

for what felt like five minutes, jungwon was taken out of the bathtub and laid on the floor. jungwon coughed out water, realizing he'd fallen asleep and sunk into the bathtub.

he looked at the person who pulled him out and it was niki. jungwon immediately tried to get up but was held down by niki.

"don't move, you'll get hurt" niki said.

"you don't need to help me, i got this" jungwon spat, he was still drunk, getting up and pushing nikis arms away. "go fuck yourself" he said and walked out of the bathroom soaking wet.

niki followed after him, "jungwon let me take you home"

"no.. it's okay. go back to whatever you were doing" jungwon said, shivering.

"jungwon, please"

"no" he said, looking around for jake. jungwon grabbed his phone out of his pocket and realized that he'd gotten into the bathtub with his phone. "fuck" he said under his breath.

"your phone doesn't even work, and i don't want you to get hurt" niki said, grabbing jungwons arm and holding him up so he wouldn't fall.

"well, i'm already hurt. so you can go on your way" jungwon said, and was about to pull his arm away until his vision went dark.

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