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It's the next day, and Jungwon sat on the couch in the living room of his apartment. He still didn't clean the glass, and wasn't planning on doing so.

Last night, Jungwon tried to call his friend, Jake. But he was busy so he called Niki instead. Niki came and gave Jungwon the comfort Jake didn't.

Even though Jungwons father treated him like shit. Jungwon was still worried, devastated. His mother hadn't returned his calls, and his sister was leaving his messages on read. He felt as if the world was against him.

Even with all that, jungwons ankle was still hurting. It wasn't that bad though, it still hurt. Jungwon sighed and got up from the couch and limped his way to the kitchen.

Just as he was about to start cooking for himself, the doorbell rung. He was confused because no one said they were coming.

He walked over, pressed onto the button and spoke into it. "Hello?" He asked in confusion, the person didn't respond it was just awkward silence.

Then they spoke.

It was Niki.

"Hey! Jungwon let me in!" Niki said, to which Jungwon blushed a little. He smiled to himself and left his apartment to let Niki inside.

Once Jungwon met with the ground floor, he opened the door and made some room for Niki to come right in.

"I brought chicken" Niki said holding a bag of food and some drinks.

Jungwon nodded and muttered a thank you before closing the door and leading Niki upstairs to his apartment.

Once they got into Jungwons apartment, it was just awkward silence. Niki didn't know what to say after he saw the glass and blood on the floor.

"Im sorry about the mess" Jungwon said before limping his way to the kitchen and cleaning the counters.

Niki just brushed it off and walked over, he took the drinks and food out of the bags and set it up on the table.

Jungwon sighed and sat on a chair at the table and thanked Niki for the food. Niki just nodded and slowly started eating.

"So what are they going to do with your father?" Niki asked, Jungwons father didn't die, he just had to stay at the hospital tonight.

Jungwon shrugged, "they said he tried to OD" after he said he didn't feel like eating anymore.

Niki nodded, "maybe you should rest, I'll clean up for you" he said.

"Really?" Jungwon asked, quietly, too tired to even talk louder but it was okay since Niki was the only one there.

Niki nodded, "yeah, don't worry. Just get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up"

Jungwon nodded, and muttered a thank you before getting up and limping his way to his room.

Niki sighed and got up from the chair. He got the broom and some boxes and garbage bags to clean the glass.


Just awhile ago Niki had finished cleaning up for Jungwon, but once he finished he heard Jungwon talking in his sleep.

Niki didn't know if it was okay if he could go into Jungwons room but he just did because he was worried.

Niki walked over to Jungwon and kneeled on the floor, placing his hand on Jungwons forehead.

Jungwons forehead was burning.

Niki quickly got up and quietly rushed over to the kitchen to put water into a bowl and grabbed a clean rag.

Niki walked back to the room, grabbed a chair and sat by Jungwons bed. He soaked the rag in the water and squeezed the rag so when he put the rag onto jungwons forehead it wouldn't drip all over.

It had been an hour later, but Jungwons fever? Didn't go down so Niki left the apartment, put a little rock by the door so he would be able to get in later. And went to the pharmacy to get medicine.

"Thank you" Niki said after paying the pharmacist and leaving the pharmacy. On the way back, he bumped into someone while on his phone.

"Watch it!" The person said picking up his phone from the ground. It was Jake, once he realized he had bumped into Niki he scoffed. "You're really annoying, do you know that?" He said. "How many times do I have to tell you to watch where you're walking?"

Niki just shrugged and tried to walk passed, but Jake grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him back. "Hey I was talking to you" Jake said.

"Stop it" Niki said, rolling his eyes before looking at Jake. "Just leave me alone" Niki said before walking away.

"Yeah, like how you left me alone?" Jake asked, walking closer to Niki.

Niki stopped in his tracks and turned around. "That wasn't my fault, I was in a bad place" Niki said.

"Yeah, that's what your excuse always is. "I was in a bad place" "sorry, I was feeling down" always" Jake said.

"That's not fair" Niki said shaking his head.

"You leaving me, without any explanation is not fair" Jake said before walking away.

Niki sighed.

At the apartment, Jungwon woke up. He looked at the time and it was eight in the evening. He sighed and finally noticed the bowl filled with water on the floor and the chair next to his bed.

He got up from his bed and slowly walked out of the room, that's when the front door opened and Niki walked in.

"Hey, you should be resting" Niki quickly walked in and tried to get Jungwon back into the room.

"Niki, it's okay" Jungwon said, to which Niki just sighed and nodded.

"You should take some medicine"  Niki said before bringing the bag to the table and taking the medicines out for Jungwon and passing it to him.

Jungwon walked over and stood beside him, "thank you" he said before taking some medicine and swallowing it.

"You should get home, your parents might be worried" Jungwon said before sitting down the couch.

"I'm sure they won't mind me staying a little bit longer" Niki shrugged.

"No, Niki. Thank you for all you've done but you need to get home" Jungwon said, "you can come back in the morning"

"Are you sure?" Niki asked.

Jungwon nodded, "I'm sure, just be careful on your walk"

Niki nodded and with that he left.

A/N: SORRY FOR POSTING SO LATE!! I'm back, but my updates will be slow because I'm busy most of the time!

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