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That night, Jungwon laid in bed smiling to himself thinking about what happened today. He was extremely happy about what happened.

That was until he heard a crash coming from out his room, he quickly got up and walked into the living to seeing his father on the floor by the glass coffee table.

His father had broken it by falling into it, "dad!" Jungwon quickly made his way to his father and tried to get him wake but he didn't budge.

"Shit" Jungwon got up from the floor and went to his room to grab his phone.

Before grabbing his phone he looked at his hands, there was blood on his hands from the glass or from his father.

Jungwon just rubbed the blood on his sweater, he winced as he did so. At least he knows who's blood it is.

He grabbed his phone and dialled the ambulance, it was quite hard because every time he tapped his phone with his thumb, it would leave blood finger prints.

Once he finally got it, he held it to his ears and waited for someone to answer. The operator did so, "I think my dad is dead" Jungwon said in a trembling voice.

"Okay, stay calm. What's your address? The ambulance will arrive soon" the operator said, to which Jungwon told them.

"Okay, they are on the way. Can you check his pulse for me? Can you do that?" The operator asked.

Jungwon nodded, "yeah, yeah okay" he quickly walked over to his father and check his pulse.

Still alive, "yeah, I can feel it" Jungwon said, "how long are they going to be?" He asked.

"They should be there now" the operator said before a knock was heard at the door.

Jungwon quickly hung the phone up and rushed over to the door, medics came in and put his father on a stretcher.

Jungwon followed the medics, as they brought his father down to the ground floor.

His ankle wasn't all that healed yet, so he was limping as he got into the ambulance.


While waiting, Jungwon was getting his wounds on his hands treated. It only took a few stuff to get jungwons wounds patched up.

After the nurse had treated him, he pulled out his phone and dialled jakes number and waited for him to answer.

Jake answered. "Hey! What's up?" Jake said loudly, because there had been music playing in the background.

"Jake, can you come over?" Jungwon asked, hoping that Jake would come and be there for him.

"Do I have to? I mean I'm at a really cool party and things are finally getting better for me" Jake said.

Jungwon sighed, and shook his head. "Jake please" he said.

"Look, I'm busy right now. Okay?" Jake said before he hung the phone up.

Jungwon closed his eyes as the line cut off, his chest had been feeling heavy. But he didn't want to cry.

He then dialled Niki's number, niki answered straight away. "You miss me already?" Niki said as an attempt to flirt.

But Jungwon didn't have time to flirt right now. "My dads in the hospital" jungwons sighed before he had said this, trying so hard not to cry.

Niki quickly got up and put on his jacket, "which hospital?" He asked.

After Jungwon had told him which hospital he was at, Niki hung up and made his way there.


As Jungwon paced in the waiting room with his arms crossed, Niki had finally showed up. Niki was sweaty, it almost seemed like he ran here. Jungwon got up from the chair, looking at Niki.

Jungwon rushed over and pulled Niki into a hug, trying to tell Niki what had happened at home.

"Shh, it's okay" Niki hugged back, rubbing Jungwons back for comfort.

Short chapter<3

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