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A day later, Jungwon's ankle was no longer hurting. And today he'd go back to school, though his father was still hospitalized and his mother still wasn't returning his calls.

Once Jungwon woke up, he took a shower first then changed into some clean comfortable clothes. After that he ate porridge for breakfast and drank some water before grabbing his backpack and putting his shoes on before leaving to school.

It felt a little weird going back to school for Jungwon because the last time he was there he sprained his ankle.

After leaving his apartment complex grounds he got onto the bus and sat down using his phone.

Today he didn't want to deal with any drama, so he simply decided to stay away from either Jake and Niki.

It was to much.

Almost half an hour later, the bus finally stopped near the school and he made his way there.

Once he got onto the school grounds, Jake stood there waiting for him at the entrance. Jake noticed him walking this way so he waved and smiled.

Jungwon took a deep breath before straight up walking passed Jake. This left Jake confused, but it was best for Jungwon.

Jungwon headed straight to class, he wasn't late but it was almost starting. He entered the classroom, sat down at his desk and hung his backpack on his chair.

The bell ring and students were swarming into the classroom. Jungwon laid his head on this desk and sighed quietly.

He then pulled his head up and saw Niki in front of the class. This specific class was for different grades so Jungwon didn't notice that he may be in this class with Niki.

Just as Niki was about to walk over, Jungwon grabbed his backpack and placed it on the chair.

But that didn't stop Niki from walking over and sitting down beside Jungwon. "The seats taken" Jungwon said taking his backpack and hanging it back up on his chair.

"Yeah, taken by me" Niki said before bringing out his books and pencils.

Jungwon just sighed in defeat and brought his things out, completely ignoring Niki.

In the middle of the class, Niki kept writing on Jungwons notebook. "What's wrong?" With a sad face.

Jungwon ignored it but Niki didn't stopped, "are you mad? What did I do wrong?" Niki wrote once again.

Jungwon sighed, and shook his head. "Just not feeling okay right now" he wrote down and Niki immediately understood.

"Meet me on the roof at lunch" Niki wrote just as the bell rung and it was time to go to our next classes.

Jungwon nodded and packed his things before getting up from his seat and leaving the classroom.


It was now lunch, and jungwon grabbed a snack from the vending machine before walking up to the roof.

Once he got to the roof, Niki stood at the edge with his foot hanging.

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