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"get up" Mrs. Yang said, shaking jungwon.

jungwon sat up, his head was pounding. he was sleeping on the living room floor. "what happened?" he asked.

"you got too drunk that's what happened" Mrs. Yang hit jungwon on the head and walked over to the chicken.

"oww" jungwon said, rubbing his head , "mom, make me water" he said.

"water?" she looked at jungwon.

"oh! i meant coffee, make me coffee" jungwon let out a small laugh.

"no" Mrs. Yang said, "im leaving the house to get your dad at the hospital" she said, that's when jungwon noticed that she was wearing a jacket and holding her purse over her shoulder.

"oh" jungwon said, "okay" he got up from the floor and went to his room, once he closed the door he heard his mom yelling "jungwon! clean the house! Hanna will help you"

"okay!" jungwon shouted back and plopped himself on his bed, yawning.

Suddenly the door opened and a sleepy Jake walked in. "I lost my phone" jake said frowning and getting into the bed beside Jungwon.

"Jake get off my bed" Jungwon said, trying to push jake off with his eyes closed.

"Noo, I'm tired" jake said, throwing his leg over Jungwon. Making him groan "I swear, I'm going to kill you" Jungwon said.

"Kill me? The famous sim jake? The hottest one in the friend group?" Jake scoffed, with his eyes closed.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the hottest" Jungwon nodded.

"You guys would be nothing without me" jake said.

"You know what" Jungwon said, and pushed jake off the bed. "Loser"

Jake groaned, "you're mean" he said, then sat up. "I found my phone, it was under your bed"

"What was your phone doing under my bed anyways?" Jungwon asked, still laying down but with his eyes open this time.

Jake shrugged and looked at his messages. A lot of unread messages and a shit ton of missed calls from his parents.

"Shit, I have to go" jake got up, "I'll see you later though, okay?" He said leaving the room.

"Okay!" Jungwon shouted and tried to go back to sleep but felt like something was wrong.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at his socials for a bit. Then noticed that he hadn't seen any of nikis post yet.

Jungwon check Niki's instagram and found nothing, Jungwon sat up immediately and tried calling him but got no answer.

He sighed and got up from his head, changing into random clothes and left the house.


as jungwon met with niki's house, he knocked on the door only to be answered by nikis mother.

"what do you want?" niki's mother shot a glare at jungwon, this left jungwon confused.

"is niki here? can i talk to him?" jungwon asked, fidgeting with his fingers.

niki's mother shook her head, "riki doesn't want to talk to you right now, so leave" she slammed the door shut on jungwon.

jungwon nodded slowly, confused on what was happened but decided to leave. while on his way back home, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and tried calling niki one more time.

though this time, he answered. "can you stop calling?" riki asked, no emotion in his voice.

"did i do anything wrong?" jungwon asked, quietly walking down the street.

"jungwon, stop calling my phone" was the only thing riki said before hanging up.

jungwon sighed and put his phone back into his pocket. did riki hate him? did he not want to be with him anymore? these thoughts flooded jungwons mind.

once jungwon got home, he went straight to his room despite his sister yelling at him for not helping her clean up.

he got in his bed and looked up at the ceiling, he didn't know what to do next, go to school as if this never happened?

a small knock was heard on jungwons door, he sighed before saying "go away" quietly. but apparently this person doesn't know the meaning of going away because they just walked in. and this person turned out to be jungwons mother.

jungwon turned around, now facing the wall not wanting to hear his mothers little speech about being sad and shit.

"jungwon, your father is here. come eat" was all she said before leaving the room.

jungwon was a little surprised, maybe she saw that he wanted to be alone. maybe she knew that he just wanted time.

jungwon didn't want to go to the kitchen, greet his father after what had happened. after he saw him that way. jungwon couldn't bare it.

with that, jungwon fell asleep.

the next morning came quickly, for a second jungwon thought that he'd only slept for five minutes.

he groaned as he got up from his bed, wanting to stay in his room forever. but he had to get out eventually.

he changed into clean, comfortable clothes and swung his backpack over his shoulder. he'd just walk passed his mother who was talking to him and telling him to eat.

with that, jungwon left. making his way to the school, earphones in, and all he could hear was music and not anyone talking or the busses and cars passing by.

once he got to school, he stood at the gate gripping onto the straps of his backpack like his very first day of school here. though there was no jake to greet him, to walk him in the halls, to bump into niki... no niki.

jungwon just took in a deep breath and made his way into the school. feeling as if everyone was staring at him and as if they knew that they'd broken up.

but no one was staring, to them it was a normal monday. but to jungwon, it felt as if something was missing from his life. and that something was niki.

without realizing, jungwon walked straight pass niki who was looking at the floor while walking.

the first few periods went by quickly, jungwon sat alone in the cafeteria- well that was until his friends came and sat with him, but jake was no where to be found.

jungwon sighed, listening to his friends conversations then accidentally looking at the boy sitting alone across the cafeteria who was already looking at him.

jungwon cleared his throat and looked away, he couldn't bare looking at niki. not after what he did to him.

A/N: finally LMAO this chapter took really long to write, but thanks for reading<3

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