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After Jungwon had passed out, Niki quickly snuck him out of the school before the police and ambulance came because he didn't want Jungwon to be stuck in a mental hospital.

Niki brought Jungwon to his house, with some help of a friend. Heeseung, a freshman college student.

"You should really take him to a hospital" heeseung said as Niki was helping Jungwon out of the backseat of heeseungs car.

Niki looked at heeseung, "heeseung?" He said. Heeseung looked at him through the rear-view mirror. "What?"

"Shut the fuck up" Niki cursed, going back to helping Jungwon out of the car.

Once he did so, he brought Jungwons arm over his shoulder and walked to the passengers window. "Thank you, I'll give you some money later"

"No" heeseung shook his head, "it's okay, just make sure to be careful" he said before he drove off.

Of course, Niki's parents weren't home. They are always out working, but this didn't bother Niki.

As Niki walked to his house, Jungwon woke up because he had almost tripped over. "What.. what's happening?" Jungwon asked quietly.

"You're awake" Niki sighed in belief, "We are at my house" Niki said.

Jungwon looked around then nodded.

Once they got inside the house, Niki's older sister was sitting in the living room. "Riki? What's going on?" His sister asked.

"Nothing" Niki shook his head, "just don't tell mom and dad he's here okay?" He asked.

His older sister nodded with her eyebrows furrowed.

With that Niki left to his room, he made sure his door was closed before helping Jungwon on the bed.

Jungwon laid down immediately. Niki kneeled down beside his bed, "you hungry?" He asked, but Jungwon didn't say anything but stare at him.

"I'll get you food" Niki said, getting up from beside his bed and left his room.

Jungwon turned to lay flat on his back, he was now staring at the ceiling. He didn't know why he was acting like this, but he wanted it to stop though he didn't know how to.

Niki entered the room and noticed that Jungwon was staring at the ceiling. He sighed before walking over with a plate of food. "Jungwon I got you some food.." niki said.

No response.

"Jungwon you need to eat" Niki said, before placing the plate on his desk and trying to get Jungwon to sit up.

It went on like this for a couple of minutes but Jungwon still won't eat, so Niki just gave up and thought of giving him some food in the morning.

Niki sat on his bed beside Jungwon. He was wondering about what triggered Jungwon to do this, and that's when he remembered that jungwon left to go talk with Jake before the incident.

[time skip]

It became the next morning, Jungwon woke up to Niki laying beside him. He was no longer feeling like what he felt like yesterday but was scared he might feel like that again.

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