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A/N: I think I forgot to mention that this happens directly after the Brotherhood of Evil incident but before "Things Change" and "Trouble in Tokyo."  So, sorry gang, but no Terra. :-( 

00:31 PDT
November 27th
Jump City, California

Robin closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. There was nothing like going on solo patrol in Jump City. It gave him the freedom to move and operate how he liked, without having to constantly worry about his team. And because he didn't tell them about his late night escapades, they didn't have to worry about him either.

    An unrestrained, echoing cackle escaped his lips as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop with grace and skill that only came with being a Flying Grayson. It had been a surprisingly busy night in Jump, and it was only half past midnight. He still had a few hours before he would head back to the Tower, where he would take an hour long nap at best before it was time to "start" the day.

The whistling of a throwing blade sliced through his thoughts, and he sidestepped out of the way, barely dodging it. The mystery knife embedded itself in a brick wall.

Robin whipped around and extended his bo staff, masked eyes narrowed at his surprise attacker before they widened in shock. On the opposite side of the roof crouched a man decked in a black suit and trench coat. The man's entire face was hidden behind a solid white mask shaped like that of an owl's.

Robin grit his teeth and glared at the one who dared challenge him, "Funny," he snapped sarcastically, "I didn't know owls flew this far west. The heat must be killing you."

The man said nothing. Instead, he stood to full height, expressing his greater stature and muscle mass. He slowly reached into the folds of his trench coat. Robin, in turn, lowered into a fighting stance, ready to fight, dodge, or chase. To his surprise and confusion, the man revealed a large white feather.

"Richard John Grayson," he stated, his deep voice traveling in the warm West Coast wind, "The Court has sent me to deliver this summons. Your time as Talon has come. Prepare to serve."

Robin literally stumbled at the man's words. This total stranger knew who he was under the mask. His mind automatically went through every worst case scenario he could think of, assuming over half the league's secrets were compromised, not to mention he and Batman's identities were also in hot water. He had a lot of phone calls to make.

"Who are you?!" he demanded, "What do you want?!"

"I am just a messenger. Come to Gotham in five days time. Or the Court of Owls will come to you," he answered darkly.

Robin growled and secretly retrieved three bird-a-rangs from his utility belt.

"You can tell your precious court I'm not going anywhere," he replied in a tone just as sinister.

With practiced skill and precision, he threw the deadly projectiles towards his target. The masked man expertly dodged the first two, but the third struck him and embedded itself in his arm. Robin had to admit the stranger was strong enough not to cry out in pain, as most past enemies had, but he grunted instead. Without hesitation, the adult yanked it out of his arm and tossed it to the ground.

"Farewell, Gray Son of Gotham," he declared and leaped off the building. Robin gave chase, but one look over the side told him it was in vain. The man was gone.

Robin inwardly shuddered. Whoever he was, he had to be in fantastic shape to lose the boy wonder that fast. His mind didn't dwell on this, however, but the fact that the man knew his real name. The secret identity he had spent years of his life trying to hide and protect.

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