Heat of the Moment

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18:01 PDT
November 29th
Jump City, California

In retrospect, he acted like a total idiot. He wasn't arrogant enough not to know that the decision he made was a stupid one. But maybe, at the same time, it would be best the plan of action.

It had been almost three hours since Robin ran out of the Tower with no intention of coming back. After all, he was planning on leaving anyway, and the less people who knew where he was going, the less chance they had at getting hurt, whether by his hand or the Court's.

But at the same time, he promised Roy and Wally an explanation, and he had promised to meet Bruce at the Watchtower on his birthday. So, should he keep running or go back? That question bothered him deeply.

He still had two days before he was expected at the League's headquarters, three days before the Court came looking for him when he doesn't show up in Gotham. Then the countdown would really start.

   I should go back. They're my team. I can't just leave them high and dry again.

   Robin leaned against the wall of a building, the shadows of the alleyway hiding him from the street's occupants. He still felt awful for what happened with Cyborg. He didn't understand why he had panicked or where the sudden rush of strength had come from. The teen wonder ran a stressed, gloved hand over his face.

    "Nngh, why can't anything ever be simple?"

  "Beast Boy to Robin come in. Beast Boy to Robin," his communicator called. Robin was swift to answer.

                          "Robin here."

   "Dude! Where are you? Everybody's out on the town looking for you, and it'd make it a lot easier if you'd tell us where you're at."

    "Right. Sorry," he agreed, giving the younger Titan an apologetic half-smile, "I'm a few blocks from the pizza place on 4th. I'm heading back to the Tower now, so just tell everyone to meet me there. Is Cyborg okay?"

    The small video screen divided to reveal said Titan, "I'm fine, Rob. My arm needed an upgrade anyway. The better question is, are you okay?"

"I've been better," he answered honestly, "I'll meet you guys at the Tower—"

"Hold on a second!" Cyborg interrupted before Robin could sign off, "You're like, crazy sick, man. Send us your coordinates, and we'll give you a lift home."

"Yeah!" Beast Boy piped up, "Don't want ya getting mugged or kidnapped or something."

Robin grit his teeth. How dare they think he was incapable of getting home on his own! They lived in a giant T-shaped tower for crying out loud! It was kinda hard to miss. And he was Robin, leader of the Teen Titans. Sick or not, he'd take on anybody that got in his way, especially in the mood he was in right now.

"I'll find my own way back. Robin out," he quipped and snapped his communicator shut.


Cyborg halfway wanted to strangle the shapeshifter beside him, his human eye twitching in irritation.

"Why'd you go and say that, grass stain?!" he yelled. Beast Boy shrunk back.

"What? What'd I say?" he asked innocently.

"You made Rob sound like he couldn't handle himself! Do you have any idea how insulting that was?!"

"I didn't mean to!" BB whined, "But he's sick, and what I said was true!"

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