~ Ruling Gotham from a Shadowed Perch~

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Time Unknown
Jump City, California

"Beware the Court of Owls,
That watches all the time,
Ruling Gotham from a shadowed
Perch, behind granite
And lime. They watch you
At your hearth, They watch
You in your bed. Speak
Not a whispered word of
Them or they'll send the
Talon for your head."

  The ten owls stood in a semi-circle as they recited the rhyme and initiated the hastily called meeting.

    "The mercenary has stolen the Gray Son from us. He must not go unpunished."

   "His actions have also been brought to  the attention of the Justice League. It will be difficult to retrieve the Talon with so many eyes and ears watching. We alone are not enough to fend them off should we be discovered before the appointed time."

   "The Batman must be lured back to Gotham. He will find us if we do not, and that is something we cannot afford right now."

   The lead owl held up his hand, cutting the other off, "No, Batman is the key to getting the Gray Son back. He would do anything to find the boy. We allow him to continue, and he will lead us to him. Send word back to the Court. Nothing is to happen in the city that would give Batman cause to return to Gotham until the Gray Son is found."

   One of the masked men bowed and vanished into the shadows to carry out the order. All eyes returned to that of the leader.

   "This is not the first time Slade Wilson has interfered with the Court, and now he has stolen property of the Grandmaster, a high offense. The Court of Owls sentences Slade Wilson to death."

    "And who shall carry out the sentence?"

  Beneath his simple, ivory mask, the man smirked knowingly, "When the Gray Son is brought back into our ranks, and if the Grandmaster be willing, we will unleash our greatest terror upon the one who dared to interfere."

   The two children present subconsciously linked their hands together as they listened, memories and stories alike bringing about feelings of fear.

   A woman in a similar mask and an expensive dress cocked her head in surprise, "You don't mean—?"

   Their leader nodded, "We release the Fallen One."

   "Why would the Grandmaster approve such a decision?"

   "Slade Wilson is not like mortal men. His skills and power are comparable to the Batman's. One or even five simple Talons will not be enough. It takes the best to defeat the best, and the Fallen One will be sufficient."

   The man paused and brushed a hand along the curve of his mask, hidden eyes glinting in sadistic anticipation, "The Grandmaster will approve, for it will be the sweetest form of revenge."

Time Unknown
Gotham City

    Far below Gotham, a city shrouded in shadows as thick as fog, there is a realm few know and even fewer believe exists. It is the secret castle to a kingdom ruled from behind the scenes.

    But under its Court, where the Gotham elite rule and the Grandmaster judges, there is a Labyrinth, where minds and bodies alike have been broken by poison and creatures that were once men. But far below this sickening maze lie rows and rows of metal coffins, each one inhabited by a monster children are warned about only in bedtime stories. And in the center of this graveyard rests the Grandmaster's favorite  fiend.

    His name he cannot recall, but he is a Talon with power beyond the simple creatures the Court often uses. Now, he goes by only one title, the Fallen One.

   He has been asleep for only just over a decade, a short rest compared to most, but even in comatose, he can sense the electricity in the atmosphere. He will be summoned soon.

           And he will not be denied.

A/N: I know this was super short, but I just wanted to give you a brief glimpse from another point of view. The next one will definitely be longer, and hopefully full of surprises. *wink wink*

  And also, sorry for not updating in a while. Midterms are this week, and I've been super busy lately. So thank you all for hanging in there for me! I appreciate all of your support! Have a great day!

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