Two Gingers and an Ebony

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21:10 PDT
November 29th
Titans Tower, California


His eyes were gold.

     Dick couldn't believe what he was seeing. Maybe it was just a trick of the light, or he wasn't feeling as well as he thought. Anything to explain why his normally blue eyes were shining gold! It couldn't be natural. Eye colors don't change unless special contacts are applied or if the person was a meta, and he was certain he was human. The little voice in the back of his head whispering doubts about it could shut up.

   Not wasting anymore time, Dick quickly stepped into the shower. The heat helped soothe his nerves and loosen his tight muscles. By the time he got out, his mood had improved drastically, and his mind relaxed. After wiping the steam off the mirror, he looked into the glass and was happy to see a familiar pair of blue eyes staring back at him.

Maybe it really was just a trick of the light or a hallucination from an overworked mind...


00:00 PDT

    "I'm telling you Wally, this is a bad idea," Roy whispered just outside Robin's door, "You know that if he's asleep then the last thing we should do is wake him up."

   The speedster gave him a look that read Duh, "If he's asleep then we'll just turn around and ask him in the morning. Now come on, stop being a wuss."

Neither of them made a move to enter the sleeping ninja's room. They were personally and painfully aware of what happens when you accidentally wake a sleeping Robin.

Roy snorted, "Ladies first."

Wally gasped dramatically before moving his hands in a sweeping motion, "Age before beauty."

The redheads glared at each other but were interrupted when the door slid open, and both of them were pulled inside as it slammed shut. Before them stood a maskless, irritated Dick Grayson.

"Do either of you have any idea what the word whisper is?"

    "I thought your room was soundproof?"

   Robin glared at the floor, "It is."

   Kid Flash scrunched his face in confusion, "Then how did you—?"

    "I don't know," Robin interrupted, voice clipped. Roy placed a hand on each of the two teens' shoulders and directed them to the bed.

    "How about we sit down first? Then we can talk."

As the three former sidekicks sat down on the bed, Roy and Wally removed their masks. Obviously whatever the problem was, it was Dick who was dealing with it, not Robin. Sometimes they forgot the lengths their friend went through to ensure that his two identities were never linked.

"Raven explained what she could to us, but it wasn't much. Wanna give us your side?" the archer nudged.

Dick sat cross-legged and stared down at the crumpled blankets between he and his friends, "A few nights ago, I was out on solo patrol when I came across one of them. He knew my name—my real identity— middle name and all. Now that I think about it, he didn't call me 'Robin' once," Dick shuddered at the memory.

    "Dude," Wally whistled. All of them knew what a big deal it was for someone to know a member of the batfamily outside of costume, "What else did he say?"

   "My time as Talon has come. Prepare to serve. Be in Gotham in five days time or be hunted down. Farewell, Gray Son of Gotham," Dick repeated almost robotically.

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