Calling All Heroes

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A/N: 3k views?! Oh my goodness, guys! Thank you all so much! I had no idea that this story would become so popular, but thank y'all!!!

Also, did you know there's a 16 hour time difference between Singapore and California? So that's why there may be a discrepancy between the dates.

And did anyone look up the coordinates for the island? I promise I didn't just make it up, and you might be surprised by the island's actual name.

15:13 PDT
November 31st
Titans Tower, Jump City

          "Find him yet?"

  "Ask me one more time, Beast Boy, and you will take another trip in my magic mirror," Raven snapped.

    She had been trying to psychically find Robin since the call to Batman ended, which was just a little under four hours ago. But no matter what she tried or how far she reached, she just couldn't sense his presence anywhere. And to add to her difficulties, everyone's emotions were chaotic. But the true cherry on top was when the Dark Knight himself arrived an hour ago.

    His body betrayed no emotion, his mind even more heavily guarded, and yet she could still sense the waves of seething fury and parental worry rolling off of him, crashing into her with enough force to make her physically stumble.

   Batman took full control of the search, dividing the teens into groups while keeping at least one person to stay behind in case Raven found Robin with her powers. Batman used the computer to access the security cameras scattered throughout the city, doing everything in his power to retrace where Slade went after he left the tower and hopefully find out where he took Robin.

    Raven stretched and stood, breaking out of her hovering lotus position. She had been going nonstop and was desperate for a cup of tea to soothe her fraying nerves. But she may not get much reprieve since she was stuck with Beast Boy.

   "Oh, taking a break? That's a good idea," the shapeshifter rambled awkwardly as they descended the stairs from the roof back into the tower.

    Beast Boy wasn't quite sure what to do, if he was being honest with himself. He and Raven never really hung out much by themselves. Usually one of the other Titans was there to break the tense silence that hung between them. He didn't do as much reading as he should, and he figured she wouldn't be that interested in video games, so there wasn't a lot of common ground between them.

   But as he watched the enchantress, he couldn't help but feel that something was off. She didn't reprimand him as often as usual, and she hadn't said anything sarcastic in a while. Her hood was down, revealing a small layer of sweat shining in her bangs, causing her lavender hair to cling to her face, and her breath came out slightly labored.

    Raven stopped walking, her body swaying as her vision swam. She instinctively reached out for something to hold, and she clung to Beast Boy's outstretched arm with a vice grip.

    "Rae? You okay? What's wrong?"

"I—Something's wrong with the link," she gasped, placing an ashen hand to her forehead.

"What? What link? Rae, what's going on?" Beast Boy asked, his voice filling with panic.

"The mental bond between me and Robin...after I went into his head...something's wrong with it. I can't..," she whispered as her eyes pricked with unshed tears. Somewhere a lightbulb exploded.

Beast Boy pulled her closer when she crumpled, though she remained conscious. The green shapeshifter picked her up and ran to the main room.

"What's going on?!" Batman demanded as he spun from the computer and watched the teen set the girl on the couch.

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