~ That Watches All the Time ~

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A/N: I am having WAY too much fun with this story.

08:37 PDT
November 30th
Titans Tower, California

     Roy was the first to wake up, releasing a large yawn as he moved to stretch his arms above his head. Sea blue eyes glanced downward, and he quirked a small smile. Dick was splayed out between them, one arm laying across the archer's chest while the other had flopped across Wally's stomach. Roy realized that both he and the speedster had somehow curled around Dick in their sleep.

    As the older ginger shifted, the young acrobat moaned and snuggled deeper into himself and the snoring redhead. Now that he thought about it, Roy noticed his dark haired friend was considerably paler than usual, and a sheen of sweat could be seen coating his forehead. Roy sighed. It would probably be a while before the little ninja woke up.

Wally stirred and cracked open his eyes, disentangling himself from both the blankets and his friends. Emerald eyes glistened in concern for the Titan still out cold.

    "I don't think I've ever seen him look this bad since that incident with the fear toxin," he whispered. Roy nodded with a slight shudder before sliding his feet off the bed.

     "Come on. Let's let him sleep a little while longer. He needs it."

    Dick shivered in discomfort as the two sources of heat removed themselves from the bed, and Roy pulled the blankets back over him. Unfortunately, it was too late. He was already beginning to wake up.

    "Nngh...Roy? Wally?" he croaked, his normally vibrant blue eyes clouded over. Both members of the trio returned to his side in an instant.

    "I don't feel so good," Dick whimpered and curled into himself,"Everything...hurts."

    The two redheads shared a look of deep concern. Wally raced into the bathroom and turned on the light, looking for a trash can to leave beside the bed for Dick. No one was ready for the loud hiss that accompanied the action.

    "Wally! The light! I—ow!" Dick yelped and clamped his eyes shut. The speedster half-smiled apologetically and clicked the light off. Slowly, baby blue eyes revealed themselves once again.

    "Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to, but hey! I found the trash can in case you need it."

    "You need complete bed rest today, Dick," Roy stated, his tone revealing that there was no room for argument, "Nothing strenuous till we figure out what's going on."

    "Yes, mother," Dick quipped sarcastically, but his voice sounded so sore, the teasing affect was almost lost. Pale eyelids lowered halfway, and another involuntary groan escaped his lips. Wally brushed a hand through Dick's raven locks, frowning from the obvious heat emanating from him. His fever was coming back with a vengeance.

    "Be right back," he said and zipped out. Less than a second later, the speedster had returned with a damp cloth in hand. Without wasting any time, he laid the cool fabric across Dick's forehead.

   "The team will be up soon," Dick rasped, "Need...mask."

"Can't we just tell them not to come in? We really need to keep a close eye on you," Roy countered hesitantly. The acrobat looked like he was about to shake his head but thought better about it.

"They won't be held back that easily," he breathed before he was incapacitated by a harsh coughing fit. The archer sighed deeply and retrieved a mask while Wally dashed back out and returned with a cup of water. Dick slowly took the offered glass and sipped from it. Once finished, Wally placed it on his nightstand while Roy situated the domino mask over the teen's eyes. As an afterthought, he slid on his own mask. Wally spun around in a tornado and stopped once he was in full costume.

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