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14:57 PDT
Titans Tower, Jump City
December 2nd

    No one had been able to sleep since Red X had been unmasked, and Jason was starting to get a little irritated by all of the attention. But at the same time, it felt good to come clean. He had missed his old friends, especially Roy. The two of them used to cause a lot of trouble before they split from their mentors and when Roy was "babysitting" Dick and Wally. He wouldn't doubt that they'd soon get back to their usual chaotic shenanigans before long.

    But first, they had to find Dick. The Golden Boy had gotten himself kidnapped by Deathstroke of all people, and Jason was determined to get his big brother back by any means necessary. He just needed to figure out how to find where Dick was being held.

   Deathstroke was smart. He wouldn't keep Dick in Jump City with so many leaguers flying around, but where could they be hiding? Jason was a thief, not an assassin, even if he was brought back by Ra's al Ghul. He didn't know how the solos operated.

   That was a thought. Ra's was always trying to win Bruce over to his cause, and he had the connections. Maybe he could get word to Talia. But how could he get in contact with the League of Shadows when Daddybats wouldn't leave him alone for longer than two minutes?

    Jason sneaked a glance at Roy and Wally eating lunch at the Titan's table, and a knowing smirk slid across his face.

     Oh, if only I had a best friend secretly dating an assassin for the Shadows...

Jason stood and casually strolled over to the table. He looped an arm around the two redheads and pulled them in close.

"We need to talk," he whispered, "Meet me in Goldie's room in two minutes."

Batman glanced behind him, momentarily tearing his gaze away from the computer, and the whites of his cowl narrowed in suspicion. He was tempted to follow Jason down the hall, but the annoyed scowl aimed in his direction made him pause.

   Perhaps he had been a little overbearing with the teen, but at the same time he felt that he had the right to be. He had been mourning Jason's death for well over a year, and he had yet to get the entire story on how he was revived. Unfortunately, he would have to look into it later.

Two minutes ticked by, and Wally and Roy quietly slipped into Robin's room. It was hard for them to grasp that just a little over a day earlier, and they had been with their best friend in this same room. But now, Jason Todd was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and a determined look on his face, ready to get down to business.

"So I have an idea," he began. Normally, Roy would crack a smart remark, but the seriousness in the other's tone told him to listen.

"Dickie-bird's with an assassin, right? And a good one too. But it takes one find another one, right?"

"What are you saying? You know a way to get in contact with him?" Wally asked, emerald eyes slightly narrowed.

Jason scoffed. "No way. I haven't killed anybody in like, three months, and I'm not someone for hire in that occupation. I'm just looking out for number one, but Roy, on the other hand...," he trailed off, ignoring their initial shock.

The archer's eyes widened at the suggestion. "No way. Absolutely not!"

"Come on, Red! She could help us out!"

"Or kill us. Or tell Deathstroke himself. Or say she'll help and then completely ignore us! She won't go for it!"

"What if you lose the hat and say please?" Jason smirked. Roy glared, looking mildly affronted at the jab to his fashion choice.

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