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A/N: Thank you guys for the 12k views! I had no idea this story would become so popular. It really means a lot to me. ^^

Have you ever had those moments where you're just like, "I should probably update this"? Yeah, me too. I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. I hope this chapter will gain your forgiveness.
11:00 SST
The Island
December 3rd

            "Again, but harder this time."

   "I'm trying," Richard snapped back before quickly reeling in his tongue. He had been trying to cut back on the smart remarks all morning, since he decided to comply with Slade's training. But it was clear to him that his new master didn't appreciate his effort.

Slade sneered down at him with crossed arms. "Then try harder."

The young Talon growled but said nothing, turning his attention back to his target. Slade had begun the morning's training with the focus of undoing Batman's tactics, and he had brought the infamous Sladebots out to play.

"Bruce was a good teacher, but he held you back with his moral weakness. Moves meant to kill became concussive, and deadly holds became mere restraints. If you want to leave this island, then you will have to go all out. The other Talons will not show you the same mercy you give them."

That was another thing Dick hated since he started training with Slade. The man constantly used Batman's secret identity, regardless of who was around to hear it, and it made the teen panic every time.

It had to be some sort of psychological tactic, he figured. Slade was holding the knowledge over his head as a sign of his advantage, but he was also getting him used to hearing Bruce's name being said out loud and not Batman's. Still, someone saying Batman's secret identity loud enough for the entire compound to hear irked the young Talon.

But unbeknownst to him, a group of soldiers had gathered on the wall to watch Dick take on the three robotic copies of their boss, Col. O'Dell and Sg. Horace among them. The men winced as the teen took a kick to the chest, sending the kid flying into the dirt.

"You've had worse," Slade gruffed, "Come on; you'll live."

"I wasn't complaining," Richard snarked and wiped his mouth, jumping back into the fray without hesitation. Even from their distance, the men could see the proud smirk on Slade's face.

"The kid's a natural," O'Dell observed, rubbing a hand over his short gray beard. Horace rose an eyebrow.

   "How can you tell?"

  The old colonel nodded at the teen below. "Look at the way he moves. There's no doubt or hesitation. No awkwardness in how he moves. He knows what he's doing."

The sergeant watched the teen, and he could see what his superior had said.

"He's just a kid. To have that level of skill, he'd have to be doing it almost his whole life."

"Slade said the boy was once Robin. If that's the case, then he really has been fighting since childhood."

The former vigilante grappled with the machine, using all of his newly gained strength to match its power. A second bot came at the boy, but before it could reach him, he threw it into its metal copy, knocking them both to the ground. However, the third one managed to grab him from behind and lock its arms around his neck, threatening to choke him.

"Do not tap out," Slade commanded almost immediately as Richard struggled to break free. "Remember what I taught you. You can get out of the hold."

Dick closed his eyes and focused on recalling Slade's most recent lessons on get out of a rear choke hold. He turned his head to the side from which the Sladebot was attacking him and grabbed the robot's arm. Then he lifted his shoulders and quickly tucked his chin into the crook of its elbow as he slid his fingers into the space between his chin and the bot's arm.

"That's right," Slade nodded.

Richard then bent his knees and slid his foot back, hooking it around the machine's leg. With reflexes almost too fast to see, he spun and threw the Sladebot to the ground, ripping its arm out just for good measure.

"Well done, Richard," Slade praised.

The show wasn't over yet though, because the other two robots had disentangled themselves and were back in the fight. Richard, tired and irritated from almost a full morning of training, was done pulling his punches and let instinct take over. His mind blanked as his body moved at speeds so fast only Slade could keep up with, and when he finally tuned back in to reality, the two robots were useless scrap at his feet.

  It was the impresses whistles of the soldiers overlooking his training that pulled the former hero back into reality.

Dick felt his shoulders heave up and down as he took in deep breaths. He didn't understand how he did that. There was no trigger, no threat that made him feel the need to go all out. He had simply...let go and let his instinct do all of the work for him.

Panic filled his eyes as he let that thought sink in. This was what happened when he stopped caring about what he did. He couldn't let that happen again, especially in a real fight against real people. The teen lifted his head, fear stricken eyes meeting a single proud gray eye.

He had made Slade proud, and it sickened him.

For Tata, Dick thought as he slowly let his body relax, Just get this over with, and soon you'll be able to go back home. Just let him think you're on his side for a little while longer.

"Excellent show, Richard," Slade purred, "You certainly are a natural."

Natural. That was what it felt like when he tore through those Sladebots without mercy. It had been easy for him to do it. Richard felt bile rising in his throat, but he managed to keep it down.

"Who knew having you as a willing apprentice would make this so much more interesting. Go shower. Lunch will be served within an hour, and you can have the afternoon off until dinner. You deserve a break."

    It took all of Richard's energy not to sag in relief. His relief was quickly replaced by dread as Slade continued.

     "Tonight we are going to see how good your aim is."

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