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Me: I should be working. The semester is almost over, and I have so much to do. Finals are almost here, and I am so not ready.

Also me: But I wanna writes so bad!!

Me: Well, it is Easter break so...

A/N: I don't trust google translate, so foreign words will be in italics.
19:00 SST
The Island
December 2nd

After having to spend several hours dealing with business and management issues among his men, Slade finally had enough time to look at the USB Wintergreen had given him.

  He entered his private office and quietly slid the door shut behind him. Wordlessly, he sat down at his desk and plugged the jump drive into his computer. Seconds ticked by before lines of information were displayed on the screen.

     Another contract. Great. Just what he needed, he mused sarcastically. He seriously contemplated turning the job down. He needed to keep an eye on his apprentice. But at the same time, with his motivations previously divided from being Deathstroke and attaining Robin in Jump City, his reputation as the world's greatest mercenary was on rapidly thinning ice.

   If he didn't make more appearances soon, former contractors might start looking for someone else. Heaven forbid, what if they started talking to Sportsmaster? That pompous twit would never let him hear the end of it. He would take the job, he decided, if only to spite his blond "rival" and his persistent daughter Cheshire.

   To keep up appearances and maybe even mess with the Justice League's minds a little bit, he would do it. They would expect him to keep Richard close by at all times or vanish off the map altogether. This could potentially be a very entertaining game. Accept a few contracts across the globe every now and then while training Richard here on the island and lead that irritating Bat on a wild goose chase. Yes, it could be fun to say the least.

      Slade typed his acceptance into the computer and patiently waited for confirmation, glancing over the details as he did so. It was a local job in Singapore, and a rather simple one at that. The daughter of a high-ranking Yakuza family had been kidnapped by a rival faction. The Japanese mafia wanted her back safely. Normally, they would do these kinds of things themselves, but it appeared the father was desperate to make sure she came back alive.

It was a cheaper job than what he normally went for, but Slade was in a generous mood. And it had been a while since he had been in Singapore. He wouldn't be gone more than a few hours at most, so Richard wouldn't be able to get into too much trouble. Maybe he could assign him kitchen duties with Wintergreen?

No, that was true torture. He would only do that once all other options had been tested.

A beep from the computer signaled that the confirmation had been made and that the payment had been transferred into his offshore account. Slade nodded to himself and stood up, making his way out of the office and to his personal quarters. It was time to get ready for work.

As the mercenary strode down the halls, he paused outside of Richard's room. His enhanced hearing made soundproof walls less than adequate in their design, and this led to him overhearing an...interesting discovery. He could hear Richard chanting the words Slade sometimes heard that goth girl Raven use, and was that sniffling?

   "Raven, come on. Please hear me...," he heard Richard choke from the other side of the door, "Azarath Metrion...come on, Rae! I need you!"

      Was the boy trying to reach the empath? Was that even possible? Slade honestly wished he could explore the theory more, but he was pressed for time. He would have to visit it later.

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