Call a Friend or Two

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A/N: Forgot to mention this will probably have some Young Justice elements. Not many, but just a little bit to help mesh personalities and such. Don't forget to review! Thx!

Eight years ago
Haley's Circus

Dick Grayson cartwheeled along the balance beam, an ecstatic laugh escaping his lips. In a few hours, the circus train would take his unique family to the coasts of France, where they would take a ship to America for their annual United States tour. He had heard so many stories, and he had been practicing his English so he could make new friends across the Atlantic.

He was especially excited to visit his father's home city, a place called Gotham, and it was one of the first cities of the tour. Who knows? Maybe he would finally get to meet his grandparents? His Romanian mother had no family left, and so all of his relations came from his father's side of the family. And he only knew his aunt, uncle, and older cousin. Maybe his Tati had more family, and there would be kids his age to play on the balance beam with or better yet, fly with him in their performance!

The young acrobat flipped off the beam and happily trotted out of the giant circus tent, his mind wandering to how wonderful the trip will be and how he planned to sneak into the animal compartment so Zitka the elephant wouldn't be scared.

    As he neared the his family's trailer, he could hear familiar voices arguing back and forth from within. Dick hesitated outside. His parents had never fought before, so why were they now?

    "We can't do it, John. I can't do it," his mother stated, "I won't let them take him."

    "I know, and that's not what I meant," his father replied, "But you and I both know that he's already showing signs, and his natural skill is far above that of any boy his age. The Court will take him if we don't do something soon."

    "But they promised not to even approach him until the Change," Mary countered. What it was they were arguing about, Dick still didn't know. The boy leaned closer as his mother continued, "We can leave. Leave the circus, leave everything behind and escape them once and for all."

    His father looked like he was thinking about it, "We could start over in America. The Owls don't have much of a standing on the West Coast, and I'm sure Dick would love California. Jump City is a nice and rather safe place compared to Gotham. But you and I both know that once it begins, they will never stop hunting him."

   Dick frowned as his mother began to cry into her husband's arms, "He doesn't deserve this. No one does."

    "I know," John agreed sadly, hugging her tighter, "I know. We'll leave after the Gotham performance and cross the country. Haley doesn't take the circus all the way to Jump. He'll be safe. I promise."

But they never got the chance.


15:17 PDT
November 29th
Titans Tower, California

    Robin bolted upright, his breathing ragged and heart beating fast. Where was he? What happened? He sharply turned his head to scan for anyone else, friendly or otherwise. After a few minutes getting his bearings, Robin released a sigh of relief. He was still in the Titans Tower...on the couch...and still feeling like he got hit by a semi truck.

"Robin! You have awakened at last!" Starfire exclaimed as she flew over to him, "We were beginning to worry that you would not wake at all."

The boy wonder groaned and pressed a palm to his forehead, "How long was I out? What happened?"

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