Return of Slade

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A/N: Please let me know what you think of the story so far! If have any questions or suggestions feel free to review or message me!!

Also, I know the timeline isn't going to be perfect, but this is my story so whatever. *mic drop*

09:54 PDT
November 30th
Titans Tower, California

     Six Titans, four of the main five, an East member, and a solo Titan, gathered around the kitchen table in silence. The normally rowdy group of teens didn't say a word as they picked at their rapidly cooling breakfast, minds drifting off to their ailing leader. Speedy glared fiercely at his full plate of waffles, and without warning, he slammed his fork down and stood.

"Sorry, but I can't just sit around while my little brother is in pain."

"That goes for me too," Kid Flash added and finished his plate in two seconds flat. He had a speedster's metabolism, so ignoring his food wasn't really an option.

The two redheads strode purposefully back towards Robin's bedroom, and the Titans watched them leave in surprise. No one went into their leader's quarters without a death wish, but these two were able to come and go as they pleased. As far as they knew, their leader seldom communicated with the two, so then why did they all seem so much closer? Why did Robin trust two former sidekicks he rarely saw over his own team?

Wally was the first to enter Dick's room, and his shoulders sagged at the state of his best friend. The acrobat that had once been so full of life looked as though he was on the brink of death itself. It wasn't natural, and he could care less how many times the goth chic said otherwise. She didn't know him like he did. This wasn't normal for a human being. The speedster was jarred out of his thoughts as he felt Roy's hand clasp his shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry. Dick's as tough the Bat himself. He'll pull through."

"I'd rather it was me on that bed than him," Wally admitted, "He doesn't deserve this."

"No one does," Roy agreed, "And we both know that I'd trade places with him in a heartbeat, but I can't. And neither can you. So we've gotta suck it up and be there for him."

"Aw, you guys," Dick coughed, his sweaty face breaking out in a tiny smile. The paleness of his skin tone made the black lines of his mask contrast starkly with his ashen visage.

"I didn't know you cared," he laughed before coughing into his fist. It was a heartbreaking sight for the two older teens.

"Shut up, circus boy," Roy huffed in an attempt to make something out of this crazy case seem normal. But then his eyes landed on a serious complication, and Wally noticed the same thing milliseconds later.

"Dude! That's blood on your hands!"

Dick looked down at clenched fist in confusion, as if he only just now saw his pale hand was splattered with bright red droplets. For a moment, all he could do was stare blankly at the offending color. He felt so lightheaded; he could barely focus on any one thing. A sickening feeling rose up in his throat, and he leaned over the side of his bed. A moment later he felt himself throw up into the trashcan Wally had left behind.

Speaking of, the two teens rushed to his side in an instant, providing stability and support as he convulsed violently. What was only a few seconds felt like a millennium till Dick finally stopped and gasped for air. He felt something trickle down his chin, and he moved to wipe it. Bringing his hand back into view, he saw that it was stained the same shade of red as the inside of the trash can.

"That is definitely not a good sign," Roy stated seriously, "We need to get you down to the medbay."

"He needs a hospital," Wally argued, "I can get him there in less than a minute."

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