Summoning the Bat

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A/N: 1k views?! No way! Thanks you guys! ^^
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't own the Teen Titans
And neither do you ;)

11:05 PDT
November 30th
Titans Tower, Jump City

"Phew! I think that's the last of them," Beast Boy panted, shifting out of his leopard form back into his mostly human one.

The group of teens looked around the main room, assessing the damage, and they dreaded having to clean up the piles of metal scrap scattered everywhere. But it only took a few seconds to realize they were one Titan short.

"Where's Robin?"

"And where's Slade?"

"You don't think he—?"

"We are so dead," Speedy facepalmed. How could they lose him?! Batman was going to break the 'no-kill rule' when he found out.

"We have to get him back," KF glared, ready dash off that very second, "They couldn't have gone too far."

"You don't know Slade," Raven countered, "He wouldn't have ended the battle this soon unless he knew he had enough time for a clean getaway."

"But don't worry, dude," Cyborg reassured him and pounded one metallic fist into his open palm, "We'll get Rob back no problem."

"Who is Slade?"

The original Teen Titans would have laughed if the situation wasn't so dire. It was that very same question that Robin had asked which started their entire rivalry with the masked mastermind.

   "Only the biggest baddest crook in the whole city!" Beast Boy huffed. Normally, the green shapeshifter would be cracking jokes and getting pumped for a search, but the overwhelming pressure of worry for his missing leader and personal hero had made him easily agitated. Robin hadn't been in good shape even before Slade showed up. What chance did he have now?

    Raven, sensing his emotions, secretly slipped her hand into his in a small display of reassurance as she turned her attention to the group, "We'll find him. I share a mental link with Robin. If I can meditate, I can locate him for you."

    "That would glorious!" Starfire exclaimed and began pulling her friend to the roof stairs, "Come! We must let you have the 'peace and quiet' so that you may find Robin!"

    "I guess that leaves the fun job to us," Kid Flash grimaced.

    "Wha'dya mean?" Beast Boy asked.

           "Calling Batman."

    Raven stopped, forcing Starfire to pause also. They had to see this. Besides, the goth reasoned, everyone's emotions are too strong right now. Even if I went to roof, I wouldn't be able to concentrate. Better to try after the call.
14:07 EDT
November 30th
Batcave, Gotham City

Bruce waved a tired hand over his face. He had skipped yet another board meeting at Wayne Enterprises in favor of looking deeper into his ward's predicament. When he had first began his research, he had believed that the Court of Owls operated solely in Gotham, but recent evidence revealed that they had a much wider reach than he originally thought. And when he found out they had ties to Haley's Circus....

A beeping signal interrupted the Dark Knight from his thoughts, and Bruce seamlessly slipped his cowl back over his face, becoming the imposing Batman once more. A small flair of concern blossomed in his chest when he saw that the incoming call was from Jump City. Bruce quickly clicked the answer button.

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