Code Red...X?

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A/N: Okay, so I just really wanted to say thanks to all of you, my wonderful readers! The amount of feedback I get from you whenever I update truly makes my day! Thanks for all of your support! I hope you enjoy this chap!

And on a side note, I made a poll on my instagram page about this story, so if you'd like to check it out, please do! I could really use your opinion. I want to use my profile as a way to get feedback from my readers.

Now on with the show!
23:57 PDT
Titans Tower, Jump City
December 1st

As usual, the lights were out in Robin's room as Red X slowly opened one of the window panes and slipped inside like a living shadow. They had agreed to a meet up almost fifteen minutes earlier, but when the high-strung bird never showed, the thief started to think something might be wrong.

Robin never missed a meet, and he was always on time. If not, he would have contacted him and rescheduled. So now, Red X decided to do a little investigating of his own by going straight to the source.

   The room was suspiciously empty, which led him to believe Robin must be with the rest of his goody-two-shoes friends in one of the main areas. That was fine. He was an expert thief. He knew how to be patient and wait for what he wanted.

   Red X slipped into one of the shadows and pressed a hidden button on the belt he had "borrowed" from the boy wonder. It was a vibrating alert that would send his location straight to Robin but in a way that would remain inconspicuous and not draw the attention of his ragtag team.

   The lenses to his mask narrowed when he heard a vibrating sound close by, pulsing in sync with the alert he had just sent out. Red X slowly creeped out of his hiding place to find the source of the noise, and dread blossomed in his chest when he found the discarded uniform of the Boy Wonder.

I didn't think the kid ever took it off, he mused as he picked up the traffic-light themed costume. A glance underneath exposed an iconic yellow utility belt.

Red X dropped the uniform and picked up the belt, alarms blaring in his mind. Robin never took it off, whether he was in or out of costume. It was never supposed to come off. Something else was going on here.

The automatic door slid open, and the young thief teleported back into his original hiding spot. Most of the hall light was blocked by a large, looming shadow—a silhouette that did not belong to the one he had come to see.

    The imposing form of Batman stalked into the room, and Red X subconsciously held his breath. What was the Bat doing here?!

   I so did not sign up for this.

  But there was no way out. If he teleported now, it would give away the fact that he was there. But if he stayed, there was also a higher chance of getting caught, and a talk with the big man was the last thing he wanted.

How do I get out of this? Maybe if I just stay really still, he won't notice? I mean, this suit is as dark as his so—what the flip flop?!

His thoughts were rudely interrupted by a batarang aimed directly at him, forcing the thief to dodge. He was given no time to recover as Batman had him pinned to the wall, the white, emotionless lenses of his cowl narrowed into thin slits.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he hissed.

Play it cool. Play it cool. Play it cool.

"Just thought I'd drop in to see a friend. I guess I picked the wrong address. You can never trust technology these days," he replied through the mechanical voice alternator and teleported out the Caped Crusader's reach. Forget the meet, he had to get out of here. But it seemed that the Bat had other plans.

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