~ Beware the Court of Owls ~

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A/N: I promise there will be more action in the upcoming chapters. This is just to get the ball rolling, so to speak. I promise the next chapters will get more fast-paced as the story continues.

A sharp cry echoed from the room of the Titans' leader. Robin had just been on the verge of falling completely asleep when the alarm sounded, bathing his room in red light. The blaring sound caused him to release a shout of pain as he tumbled off the bed in a heap on the floor.

The boy wonder grit his teeth and pulled at his hair as the sound painfully overwhelmed him. The room went in and out of focus as everything felt distorted and spinning. It took too long for the alarm to be turned off, and he was vaguely aware of heavy footsteps running towards his room. He was barely able to prop himself on his elbows when the door hissed open.

"Hey....guys," he panted, swallowing a groan as his limbs shook. Two mechanical hands lifted him from under his arms and helped him sit on the bed.

"Thanks, Cy," he huffed and patted his teammate on the shoulder, "What's the trouble?"

Cyborg's eyes narrowed, "Man, you look worse than I thought. You're definitely staying here."

Robin shook his head slowly, "No way. I'm good now. I can...I can go."

Arms from all of his teammates held him down as he tried to stand up. They knew how stubborn their leader could be, and none of them wanted him to hurt himself even more.

"Fine," Robin hmphed, "Just tell me who the trouble is."

"We do not know his name," Starfire answered, "He appears to be a man in black with a white mask. He is trying to steal from Jump City's museum."

Robin's eyes widened beneath the mask, and he resumed his effort to stand with renewed vigor. There was only person that matched his description that fit in the time frame, and he was probably the only one that could tell him what was happening to him. And suddenly, everything around him came into sharp focus.

"Dude, chill out! We can handle it!" Beast Boy argued as he tried to keep Robin down by turning into a python. The teen grabbed the green shapeshifter by the head and forcefully unwound him before throwing him across the room. The changeling transformed back into his human state just in time to catch himself in midair.

Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven held him down with their combined strength and powers but struggled under his sheer determination to be free.

"Rob! Listen, man! It's just some from freaky dude in a bird mask. From what we can tell, he probably doesn't even have powers! Let us handle it!"

    "Not having powers doesn't make him powerless!" Robin spat back, feeling a little offended by the assumption.

"Please, Robin!" Starfire begged, "You must remain here and rest. It is for your own well-being that we ask this of you!"

Raven winced as Robin lashed out in every way possible, unconsciously doing mental damage to the empath, "Stop being an idiot. Now tell us why you're getting so worked up over this guy."

"He knows!" Robin growled, "He knows what's going on. He knows why I'm sick!"

"Dude, you can't blame everything on every random bad guy we take on!"

"He's not random! I saw him last night!" Robin yelled, and everyone stopped.

Cyborg's natural and bionic eyes narrowed dangerously, "We are so going to talk about this later," he threatened, "But right now, we need to go. And you better be here when we get back."

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