Chapter 2 - The outside world

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"There is a time for departure,
Even when there's no certain place to go."

-Tennesse Williams

??? POV

As i heard the noise coming from the other side of the orange substance i quickly went near it.

As i got curious with what the other side holds, i touched the orange substance and i got startled when my hand went on fire but couldn't feel any pain i was surprised and curious. As my curiosity grew i closed my eyes and went through the orange substance as i opened my eyes i saw new things, there were new colors some of the colors looked vibrant and some looked dull i was fascinated as the only colors I've mostly seen before are green, very dark purple, orange and black.

And i also saw lights, lights i have never seen before. It wasn't like the light coming from the orange substance in the black box.

But the thing that caught my eyes the most is the cute cat staring at me curiously.

As i stared at the cat the cat started to go near me and as i crouched down lowering my body, the cat jumped onto me and in my surprise the cat didn't go through me.

When i was in the black box whenever i touched something really big in size, i can never hold it or i just simply got through it which was very annoying.

I chuckled as the cat started to purr and as i was giggling i found out that the gender of the cat is a female so i decided to call the cat "Patches" when i spoke the name i saw the cat smile at me meaning the cat liked the name Patches so i smiled back at the cat.

While i was petting Patches, Patches suddenly stood up and ran to a door, i was startled Patches was the first living being i interacted with so i was scared to lose her.

I quickly followed her as she went through a small hole. I was confused with what to do so i just simply ran through the wall and surprisingly i went through it?

I saw Patches going up some stairs so i followed her as i was chasing her i saw a blinding light coming from the direction she's running to.

I was scared, i was scared of seeing whats beyond the blinding lights but i needed to follow and stop Patches as i was scared for her too. As i was getting close to the light i closed my eyes once again and stopped once i felt a very warm temperature touching my pale skin i opened my eyes...

I saw a completely different world than from what i saw in the black box, i saw alot of green, i saw alot of different colors everything i see felt familiar but i brushed it off as i walked no, floated around the place.

I once saw Patches again and i floated to her and hugged her, i was scared that she'll leave me like they did...

They...? I was confused i said "they" even tho I've never met anyone else besides Patches. As i was deep in thought i heard noises, i heard talking. I was scared, i was startled so i hid behind some bushes.

And as i looked around to see who was talking, i saw two people they both looked young, one of them had brown hair and one had blonde hair they looked familiar..., as i was watching their movements the blond guy suddenly screamed which made me flinch making the bushes move.

Tommy POV

I was talking to Tubbo telling him about what Me, Phil and Techno did while i was exiled by that green bastard.

"So Techno decided to push me into freezing cold water and that made me very mad at him!" I said, "Well you did rip off part of Techno's cape so i think it was his way of revenge" Tubbo responded, "What!! I mean i didn-" I flinched as i heard something from the bushes as i looked at Tubbo it seemed like he noticed it too, so i took out my diamond sword and pointed it at the bushes.

"Oi, Whoever you are show yourself im not afraid to use this!"

??? POV

"Oi, Whoever you are show yourself I'm not afraid to use this!"

As i heard this i got scared, i couldn't say anything, i was shaking, i was tearing up i didn't know what to do so i just decided to stand up and show myself to them while holding Patches close to me.


The blonde boy said i was startled, this name felt very familiar but i just couldn't remember why...

The blonde boy said i was startled, this name felt very familiar but i just couldn't remember why

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815 words

I'm still not sure about how Tubbo, Dream and everyone else should look like in my style-

- Author

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