Chapter 19 - Reveals?

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Warning: Literally just alot of cursing :D

With the others...

"What the heck Quackity!" Shouted Techno

"Why would you lock him in there again?! He's a Ghost now. A GHOST!" He shouted once again

"And?" Quackity asked

"What is wrong with you?!"

"No, what is wrong with YOU. He's a fucking manipulator for gods sake and even if he's a mindless ghost he can still regain his fucking memories Techno"

"Are you dumb Quackity? You we're the reason to why he's regaining those memories now!"

"I couldn't care less. And now all we know is that he's locked in prison with no chance of getting out, we're all safe now Techno."

"You're insane Quackity.."

"You think?" Quackity said mockingly



I looked at the position of the lava to see Patches.

'How is she here?'

'How did she get in here? She wasn't here before...'

This us really confusing... I don't remember ever seeing Patches..and sometimes she does suddenly come out of what could this mean...?

Patches went near the lave signaling me to go there

'Why does she want me to go there?' i asked myself while slowly heading towards her and the lava'

"Meow!" Patches said as she pointed towards the lava


By the looks of it Patches seemed disappointed that I didn't get the hint

My eyes we're shocked and terrified as Patches jumped through the lava leaving no trace

"Patches!" I shouted as i ran closer to the lava not knowing what to do

"No no no no no no" i repeatedly said hoping that Patches was alright


I heard a faint call


Shes alright!

But how?

I was suddenly hit with realization, i remember when i got out of the Prison i simply passed through the lava magically making it to the other side...

With hesitation i passed my hand through the lava and it kinda stings but it was mostly warn on my hand...i slowly passed through with my whole body eventually seeing myself outside.


I was doing my job once again by watching Dream but it wasn't really the same Dream i knew before it was ghost now.

I was watching his every move inside until i noticed him divert his atten fr the book he was reading into the lava.

He looked like he was talking to something but i couldn't identify what it was..

There was Nothing in the room with him...

He suddenly shouted in the Vault...?

My eyes couldn't believe what happened next

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