Chapter 18 - Trust

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"Wake up."

"Wake up.."

"Wake up...!"

I heard someone say these faint words...

"Wake up."

I opened my eyes..

A black void surrounded me.

I remembered everything.

Every horrible things I've done to others... although some memories we're still missing...

"Are you just gonna go on and stay depressed like that?"

I looked to my right seeing my alive self once more.

He was sitting on a chair looking at me with dull eyes

He was sitting on a chair looking at me with dull eyes

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I stared at him, right at his eyes...

"Why...Why did you do all that" I asked


"...Do you think some people can be recognized as heroes... without a villain?" He asked


"A story always needs a Villain. And we we're the one who became the bad guy." He explained


"Unlike Ghostbur..and Glatt you and i are just mere consciousness of this body we are Dream not a different get to roam around as a ghost and i...get to be stuck here in his subconsciousness..with memories.."


" my time here, i slowly learned about things that weren't meant to be learned...There are worlds where...we get a happy and ending there are also worlds the same as this...and other worlds far worse than ours.."

"I-i don't get it..."

"I don't really expect you to get it at first...but remember not everyone always gets a happy ending.."

"W-What do you mean..?"

He didn't answer... instead he started to disappear..


"Come back!"

I screamed but i heard no i was alone once again...with noone.

I slowly opened my eyes once again to see a familiar place..

The big black box... Pandora's Vault.

I was back here once more...

I was alone once again.

But i didn't lose hope just yet..i looked around the prison only seeing some books and some potatoes

I scooted over to the books to see what it held

I saw a familiar book once more ..but this time i could read it.

"Revive book..."

I opened the book to see procedures on how to revive someone...

Does that mean alive me...i really had the power to revive people...?

I felt really confused...first i learned about my origins and evil deeds and now...i learned about how i am not only just a ghost of Dream but how i AM Dream...

I searched for more information in the books scattered around the Prison eventually finding another odd looking book.

It had alot of scratches all over it and it was hidden in a pretty secluded place.


'Was this the diary i wrote when i was in the prison?!' i asked myself surprised

I opened the book to see writings on how alive me felt throughout the whole months of imprisonment...

I saw how the ink writings started to turn into red stains...

I could have already guessed why..

I learned the reason to why i did everything and to why i manipulated people...

I didn't mean to do it...
I only wanted to get us all together.. wasn't this the purpose of this SMP?

I didn't mean to put Tommy through all of that..I just wanted him to stop causing trouble and to stop making a mess...

L'manberg...they also betrayed me..

I already gave them the independence they desired and yet they betrayed me using that Festival...

I let my guard down..the only thing i could've done was beg for my life by giving away the secret that i had the revive book...

Revealing the fact that i had the revive book was a mistake...

Quackity comes here almost everyday to torture me for the contents of the book...

I can't give up just yet....

I still have to apologize to...


I've been here for months and I'm slowly starting to lose grip of my sanity...

All of my ink has dried out so I'm using my blood to write in this diary right now...i tried calling out for Sam to give me some ink but he didn't respond.

Quackity stopped coming to the prison...

I feel lonely...

I wonder, do they miss me...?
Or maybe not.

Why am i still writing in this book..? Is there any use in writing in this? Will someone even bother to read it?

I'm hungry and yet I don't want to eat anything..

My energy is slowly depleting everyday...

I don't feel like writing anything anymore. My fingers hurt because i keep on using blood to write...


'I felt sad for my alive self for all of the things he's been through...

Was it really worth it to do all of those things?

Or...was i wrong..?'

Theres no point in thinking about these meaningless things for now...

I need to get out of here.




Sorry this took quite long to publish, i couldn't get any ideas and motivation to write the story and sorry if the events we're quite messy or if the scenes we're barely understandable- its 2:41am right now so i hope you guys will understand why its like that 😅

Anyways Bye!

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