Chapter 20 - Judgement

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"No promises." :]

Techno POV

'I swear if he does anything i will finish him myself...'

I watched as Quackity nudged Dream onto New L'manburg onto a certain stage..

3rd Person POV

Quackity brought Dream upon the very same place where the L'manberg happened, the very place where Tubbo was executed and the very place where the elections and the day he was captured happened.

It seems that everyone in the SMP was there

Even the people who didn't know Dream was dead, is present before them.

"Is...that Dream..?" Hannah whispered concerned

Dream looked at everyone before him. They we're all familiar like usual. But there we're also unfamiliar faces, like a kid that has spider features.

Dream was identifying the crowd present before him until Quackity finally spoke.

"So, i have gathered you all here to witness this judgement." Quackity said with a smile

Dream felt himself shiver in every word he says, he felt like something was about to go wrong...

Quackity then took out a book, which surprised dream

"H-How do you-" Dream Stuttered as Quackity cut him of by saying

"You shouldn't leave Important stuff scattered around y'know.."

Quackity smiled

'How does he have that

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'How does he have that...?' Dream thought to himself

"You look pretty shocked there Ghostdrè... i wonder if you recognize this book"

 i wonder if you recognize this book"

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Ghostdrè POV

I was shocked with the fact that Quackity found it.. I think it was when me and Sam we're in the control room..

It feels like.. something really bad was about to happen.

And this thought worried me.

"Oh don't look so surprised Ghostdrè..i only happened to coincidentally find it." Quackity stated which didn't made me much more worried

"So as you all see right here, I'm holding a book.." Quackity stated infront of the crowd

"And this book..contains the secrets of reviving someone"

The crowd gasped and talked amongst eachother. Some we're worried about the thought of reviving people they have already accepted as gone while some where happy about the fact that they can revive a fallen comrade, friend or family

"But.." Quackity said to break the talk

"This book is something I can't understand, since there is a different type of language stated here..." Quackity said

"So Ghostdrè..why don't you do the honors of explaining the steps?" Quackity said grinning

"I thought this was supposed to be Judgement..?" I said

"Oh, don't worry it is.."

I was worried about the smirk present in Quackity's face, the face of someone who is plotting something big..
I couldn't bring myself to trust him

"..No" i said clearly refusing to read the book.

I saw the delighted expression of Quackity turn into irritation.

"Hm, i wonder what'll make you agree to my 'request' Ghostdrè.." Quackity said while slowly coming over towards me

"Y'know, I learned something about Ghosts. When the get hurt, their wounds just magically heal instantly... although they still feel the pain, and when they get killed they will never die..." Quackity said

"Do you know where I'm going with this Ghostdrè?" Quackity said as he pointed the sharp axe at my neck

"Quackity... didn't i tell you that if you ever think about doing something to him.. I'll kill you." Techno said furiously

"Oh, haha don't worry Techno I won't hurt your precious Ghostdrè..."

"yet." Which Quackity whispered

"So you should calm down"

Techno started to lunge at Quackity until he was held back by Quackity's henchmen

Quackity then turned to my direction and said

"Now then Ghostdrè, will you comply to my request..?" Quackity asked


I couldn't think of wether to agree or not.., i am worried about the outcome if i agree and if i don't agree..

I was thinking about what Quackity demanded i do until my thoughts we're interrupted with Quackity's

"Tic Toc, Time is running out Dream." Quackity said in annoyance



Author's Note:

I wonder where this'll end up. A Happy Ending or a Bad Ending? I'm actually quite curious myself..

I'm sorry for not publishing in over a month and so. My motivation to write went 📉📉📉📉📈📈📉📉📉📈📉 which was rlly annoying and I'm actually planning on publishing a new book after i end this book so ye :)

Thanks for waiting on my lazy azz to publish-

Also P.S i accidentally "misplaced" both my stylus ;-;

Words: 732

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