Chapter 15 - Figuring out the truth (3)

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"Being alone has a power
That very few people can handle"

-Steven Aitchison

Ghostdrè POV

"Well, me and Ghostdrè were gonna tell you guys about him remembering things!" Ghostbur Explained

"Oh, What did he remember?" Phil asked

"W-well it all happened so suddenly i just i had i feeling I've seen that scene before..When me and Ghostbur were resting on flower field it felt like-" I explained it

"Deja Vu?" Tommy said behind us

"Y-yeah wait when did you get here Tommy?" I asked

"I was literally just outside of the house talking to Ranboo what do you mean when did i get here?" Tommy said

"O-oh well, after that i remembered or saw a scene of someone else but he seemingly looked like Ghostbur.." I explained

I looked at Tommy and Tommy had a surprised and upset face i feel like he missed him.

Phil had a guilty and sad face ... Just what happened between them..?

And Techno... I can't really tell what his expression is because of his mask

"Did i.. remember someone important to you guys?" I asked

"No that idiot was out of his mind anyways.." Tommy said trying to look tough but i can tell something horrible happened

Then i suddenly remembered Ghostbur telling me about his alive self blowing up L'manberg

I was about to open my mouth and ask about it but I stopped myself from doing so.

"What happened between you guys and the person i described..?" I asked

"Its something you shouldn't worry about Ghostdrè.." Phil Replied

"Why don't you go back to your room Ghostdrè, you must've been exhausted with remembering stuff and other things" Phil said

I knew this was just Phil dodging my questions but i can understand why and so i just agreed with Phil and started heading to my room until Techno called for me and told me he'd escort me to my room.

I finally got to my room after thanking Techno because he took the effort of bringing me to my room.

I lay down on my bed noticing Patches right next to my pillow

Patches just randomly pops out of nowhere nowadays, well its always been like that.

'Patches sure is a mysterious cat..' i reached my hand over to Patches petting her until i noticed a certain book under my pillow

I reached out to the book and inspected it i was shocked

'Wasn't this the book i saw at Niki's house?'

'How is it here..?' I thought to myself while staring at the book i held

'Maybe Niki saw it under the pillow and brought it over?' i thought to myself

I inspected the book

The title was still unreadable

∷ᒷ⍊╎⍊ᒷ b𝙹𝙹ꖌ

'I wonder how it got here...?' I thought

I thought about opening the book and reading its contents but i was hesitant since i didn't know what this books knowledge hold..

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