Chapter 10 - Strangers?

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Tears are words the heart
Can't express.

- Gerard Way

Tommy POV

I figured out who the figure approaching me was, it was...

"Hey Michael, what're you doing here"

"I was just wondering around Uncle Tommy!" Michael expressed Happily

"Without Tubbo and Ranboo?" I said also wondering where Tubbo is

"I'm a big boy now Uncle Tommy!" He said

"And im a Man" I told him with confidence as i heard someone laugh behind me

"What??" I asked Ghostdrè

"Oh its *chuckle* nothing" Ghostdrè replied back while chuckling

"It's just that i never knew you could talk to someone very calmly" Ghostdrè said as he stopped laughing

"WHAT, Im always calm!" I said getting pissed

"Uncle Tommy Who's that?" I hear Michael ask behind me

"Well, this is Ghostdrè" I said calmly introducing Ghostdrè to Michael

"H-hi" Ghostdrè said to Michael

"Hello Uncle Ghostdrè my name is Michael!" Michael said introducing himself

"Alright, now Michael do you know where Tubbo is?" I asked Michael

"Oh, Papa?" Michael asked

"Yea- Papa" I said feeling cringy with calling Tubbo Papa

"Yep, i know where papa is Uncle Tommy" Michael responds

"Where is he?" I ask in a hurry

"You have to buy me a candy first before i tell you Uncle Tommy!" Michael responds with a smirk

"I-" I Stuttered

'This kid-' i thought to myself

I hear Ghostdrè laughing behind me so i looked back at him and gave him an Annoyed look as he looks the other way pretending to not see me, this got me really annoyed at him but i just brushed it off with the thought of having to use my 2 remaining emeralds for a candy and for the first time in my life, i just had to say that 'im broke'.

I just ended up buying Michael a lollipop

"The fucking villager was a scam!, 3 emeralds for a lollipop?!" I whispered loudly annoyed at the villager

"T-Tommy I don't think its a good idea cursing so close to Michael.." Ghostdrè Whispered

"Stop being a worrywart, he won't hear it anyways-"

"Uncle Tommy whats the word 'Fucking'" Michael asked me

"Oh Shi-" Ghostdrè covered my mouth before i finished talking

"W-Well, Michael its a bad word so you shouldn't say it around people" Ghostdrè explained to Michael calmly

"Oh, so i shouldn't say it?" Michael asked Ghostdrè

"Yep, or else you'd be a..uhmm a naughty kid like Uncle Tommy" Ghostdrè said with an innocent smile which made me pissed

"HEY I'M NOT A KID IM A MAN!" I Shouted annoyed with the fact that Ghostdrè called me a child

"Well...Phil calls you a child tho..." Ghostdrè responded

'Ugh that old man Phil giving Ghostdrè the wrong idea!'

And at that very moment

With Phil

" *Achoo* I think someones talking about me" - Phil

"Phillll i can't find Ghostdrè!!" - Ghostbur

"What?!" - Phil

And with that, the chaos at Techno's house has started

Back to L'manberg

"So Michael can you take us to your Papa Tubbo now?" Ghostdrè asked Michael

"Mhm!" Michael nodded

We continued walking as Michael took us to the Community house

"What happened to this place..?" Ghostdrè asked me

"..." I didn't respond

I opened the door and i saw Tubbo with Puffy, Niki, Ranboo... and Bad!

I looked at Ghostdrè, he still hasn't noticed them as he was still looking around the surroundings, so i told him to wait outside with Michael.

I closed the door behind me pretty loudly to get their attention

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked

"Hey Tubbo I'm back" I said

"I thought you said you were gonna stay there for a week?, Its only been 2 days" Tubbo said

"Well,i found out about alot of thinking and i also had alot of things to do so i came back early" I explained

"And Tubbo.." I said with a serious face " I need to talk to you about something."

Tubbo nodded nervously

"Tubbo Dream is-" I was about to finish until i saw the door open

I saw Michael running inside laughing while Ghostdrè stood nervously at the door

"S- Sorry Tommy i couldn't control Michael-" He said

'Haaa could this day get any more unluckier?'

- E N D -

Words - 703

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