Chapter 4 - The Ghost in Yellow

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Life is cruel,
Why should the after life
Be any different?

- Davy Jones

Ghostbur POV

As i spotted the figure behind the tree i saw a small cat going towards me and Friend.

"Oh, Hello" i said crouching down trying to get into the cat's level.

"Meow" the cat cutely said, "Aww" I adored the cute cat infront of me as the cat's tail started to wave, "So you must be Patches i presume?" I asked the cat and the cat responded with a happy 'meow' meaning it agrees.

As i stretched out my hands infront of the cat offering it berries, the cat grabbed the berries using its mouth and swiftly went to the tree where the hidden figure was hiding behind.

??? POV

As i listened to their conversation, i suddenly got the feeling of trust from the guy in yellow as Patches also trusted him.

I noticed that Patches was running back to me holding something in her mouth, it turns out to be one of the berries the guy in yellow was picking from bushes.

It seemed like Patches was telling me to eat the berry and so i did. The berry tasted very sweet i really enjoyed it, it felt like i haven't tasted anything like this for a long time...and before i realized it the guy in yellow was approaching me.

I subconsciously put on the mask that i had on my head...


I don't remember having a mask on my head but i as the guy approached me i kept on getting thoughts in my head saying

'i must never show people my face and i must not show any weaknesses.... they'll only judge me.'

I was very nervous as the thought of it kept on repeating in my head...

Ghostbur POV

I calmly approached the guy hiding behind the tree without showing any type of hostility.

As i got closer to him, i took a quick look at his features. He had Dirty Blond hair, A blue green hoodie and a torn up mask? He also looked very pale but the thing about him that stole my attention the most was the fact that he was floating above the ground.

'Is he a ghost?'

Then a thought came up in my head


How did he become a ghost?
Phil said he was stuck in prison...
He looks so nice as of right now..
I've just got to trust him!

I took a deep breath and said

"Uhmm, Hello there friend"

??? POV

"Uhmm, Hello there friend" the guy in yellow said happily to me


My voice sounded very broken and rusty

"Hello there in Wilbur, well alot of people call me Ghostbur!" He exclaimed

"Whats your name friend?" Ghostbur Asked me

I wasn't sure how to respond but something suddenly popped up in my head and i subconsciously said


"Hello there Ghostdrè! Nice to meet you"

"This is Friend!" He pointed at the blue sheep that seems to be eating grass at the moment.

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