Chapter 9 L'manberg (2)

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There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved - George Sand.




Ghostdrè POV

How am i gonna ask tommy to tell me about L'manberg?

I'm pretty sure Phil will tell him not to utter a single word to me..

*Sigh* I'll figure it out sooner or later

















'I told myself I'd figure it out sooner or later but i didn't think it would be too soon!' i screamed at myself in my thoughts as i found myself hidden at the very back of Tommy's boat behind his luggage as he heads back to L'manberg

'Haaaaaa how did this happen-??' I only remember bidding Tommy farewell as he needed to go back to L'manberg to take care of his business, was it a hotel? I couldn't remember but as he left an hour later i was sitting on a chair with patches on my lap as i wished that i could've gone with him to L'manberg so i could find out more about it. And at that moment, the moment i closed my eyes and opened it i found myself in the middle of the ocean on a boat with tommy paddling it.

I listened to my instincts and hid behind his luggage, i didn't really think he'd bring alot of stuff but geez even his luggage was taller than me but how in the world does it balance???

I listened to my instincts and hid behind his luggage, i didn't really think he'd bring alot of stuff but geez even his luggage was taller than me but how in the world does it balance???

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I noticed that it was getting dark and i also noticed that Patches was sleeping, i yawned as i was getting tired so i slowly drifted to sleep not knowing what tommorow will bring me.

Tommy POV

Today was unusual because I've noticed that not even a single mob has attacked me yet, not even those annoying pesky drowned i shivered at the thought of a dozen drowned chasing me with tridents but i buried that thought away thinking that maybe this day was just my lucky day.

As a few more hours passed and my hands were really tired from paddling for hours but that feeling went away as i recognized the dock i was approaching

"Haaa I'm Back!" I said loudly with relief because i made it back to L'manberg alive yet again so i got out of my boat and headed straight to my luggage until i noticed something "A cat...-?" I asked myself wondering why there was a cat in the back of my boat and how I didn't notice it.

"How did you get here???" I asked the cat but the cat went behind the luggage i slapped myself mentally because cats can't talk but i followed it, and who i saw behind really surprised me.


Ghostdrè POV


I heard someone yelling which woke me up and as i opened my eyes i realized it was Tommy i was confused at first, then i remembered what happened yesterday and that i was at the very back of Tommy's boat

"Uhmm H-hey Tommy Good Morning...?" I said feeling anxious

"G-Ghostdrè What are you doing here?!, why are you here, how are you here?!" Tommy Asked me with confusion noticable in his voice

"Uhmmm i can explain-?" I responded still feeling anxious

Tommy Sighed as i said that and told me to explain

"W-well-" i stuttered getting up from my seat because it was making me uncomfortable but i lost balance and fell on my back with my left hand touching the water

"Geez, you became really clumsy Ghostdrè" Tommy told me

"Hehe" i just chuckled in response

And suddenly i felt pain at my left hand so quickly withdrawed my hand from the water

"Ow ow ouch!, It hurts!" I screamed tears forming from my eyes

Tommy POV

I watched as Ghostdrè's Hand seemed like it was... turning to ice...???? What?

I looked at Ghostdrè, i didn't know what to do...! I couldn't think of what to

'Oh for the love of XD what the fuck am i supposed to do??? Ughhhhh wheres Phil when you need him?!'

"I-i uhhhh" i Stuttered but i couldn't think of any ideas

Ugh why the fuck is my brain empty at a time like this?!

I just stared at Ghostdrè's hand as i couldn't think of what to do, all i could do was grab a piece of cloth and cover his left hand with it.

There was still tears falling from his cheers as he stared at his left hand while his cat was licking his right hand probably telling him 'its ok' or something.

'Geez and as i thought this day was my lucky day-, haaaa I can't imagine how Phil would scold me, pretty sure Techno will also give a word about this because he's a simp for this guy' i sighed as i stood up and unpacked my luggage until i noticed a familiar figure approaching me.



Words: 812

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