Chapter 17 - Figuring out the truth (5)

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Ghostdrè POV

Me and Techno headed to Niki's Flower Shop

As we we're heading there we were heading towards the shop we saw Niki watering the plants and flowers.

"Niki!" I yelled going over to Niki

"Oh! Hey Ghostdrè"

"How are you today!" I asked

"Oh im okay, sooo you got uhmm Techno.. with you" Niki said

"Uhh hehe" Techno laughed awkwardly

'Am I missing something here?'

"So, what we're you guys doing here?" Niki asked

"Well, me and Techno we're hanging out and we decided to visit you!"

"Oh, isn't it quite dangerous with Quackity and the others around?" Niki asked

"I'm still confused with who Quackity is but i think we'll be fine!"

"Well then, why don't you guys come inside? I recently baked some cookies since i couldn't do anything else" Niki said

"Cookies!" I said going inside instantly sitting at one of the chairs

Niki and Techno POV

"It's kinda wierd seeing him like this, hes quite childish and curious" - Niki

"Yeah, it's like when we we're kids" - Techno

"Wow, didn't know you guys knew eachother when you we're kids" - Niki

"It's a long story but it's quite nice seeing him smile like this again..." - Techno

"Yeah.." - Niki

"Why don't we go inside, he must be waiting for the cookies" - Niki

"Yeah"- Techno

'I hope i could stay like this a little bit more' Techno thought before entering Niki's Shop

??? POV

"So i heard some certain visitors visited L'manberg..."

"Why don't we give them a visit"

Ghostdrè POV

Me and Techno we're saying our goodbyes to Niki before going back, it was getting pretty late.

"Bye Niki!" I said waving back to her before walking back with Techno

"So, did you have fun?" Techno asked

"Yeah, i learned some history about L'manberg so i was happy"

"Yeah." Techno said before missing up my hair

"Hey!" I said annoyed at Techno before laughing

I was walking behind Techno fascinated at the builds and structures around L'manberg until Techno stopped walking which made me walk towards him.

"Quackity..." Techno Whispered with hostility

'Quackity?' I thought as i looked at the figure right infront of us while hiding behind Techno

"Hello Techno, How have you been?" The man named Quackity asked

"It seems you have a little someone hiding behind you."

"Oh I'm good Quackity, hows that scar you got there?" Techno said

I saw the Quackity guy grit his teeth with anger

"I know you have Dream behind you Techno, so hand him over NOW if you don't want things to get dirty." Quackity said demanding Techno to give me to him

"How about a no" Techno responded back

"Oh well, i tried to negotiate before things got ugly. Now!" Quackity Said before shouting

I felt someone head towards me, i looked behind me to see someone running towards me holding a sword, and before he could hit me Techno blocked his attack with a sword too.

"It seems you want another scar on your face Quackity!" Techno said while pushing back the guy who tried to attack me

The Quackity guy started charging towards us with an axe, which Techno blocked flawlessly

I saw another person charge towards us, he had an axe in his hands but he went past me and attacked Techno.

Techno POV

I could easily take care of both of them but Ghostdrè is here, he might get caught up in the fight its too risky

Back to Ghostdrè's POV

Techno successfully blocked his attack by knocking back his sword and the sword flew close to me.

I saw the guy who tried to attack me earlier charged towards against me, and by instinct I grabbed the sword for self defense and I tried to block his attacks like Techno did earlier which worked.

"Foolish you and Purple handle Techno! I'll take care of Dream!" Quackity Shouted

I saw the guy who attacked me charge towards Techno switching places with Quackity

"Well, well if it isn't Dream" Quackity said while walking towards me with his axe

"Wh-what did i even do to you?!" I asked

"Stop fucking around Dream! Do you really think dying and becoming a Ghost would solve your problems?" Quackity said

"What...? Prison?" I asked confused

"Oh, so you don't remember huh.."

"Why don't i tell you EVERYTHING you did while you we're alive..?" Quackity said

"Quackity don't you dare!" Techno shouted

I swallowed my words as i started to walk backwards at Quackity started to approach me

"Where do we start?, Oh lets start with Tommy."

"Tommy...?" I asked confused with what i did with Tommy

"You manipulated and Exiled Tommy Dream. God, you even killed him in prison!"

What...? I did that?

"And L'manberg, you helped with the destruction of L'manberg multiple times Dream."

I did..?

"And do you know why you we're in Prison Dream..?"

"It was because of all the damage you've done to everyone! Everyone wanted you inside that prison Dream."

'Th-They wanted me in there...?'

I started tearing up hearing all there words, i dropped my sword and fell to the ground on my knees.

I started remembering horrible memories. Memories of how i smiled at the first destruction of L'manberg, Smiling at Tommy's Exile and smiling as i manipulated others....and yet a lingering feeling of sorrow, sadness and despair came with these memories...

“A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told."

- Chris Colfer

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